The New Year comes in with a bang with two New Moons, the first one on New Year’s Day at 10° 57′ Capricorn,
6:14 am. This lunation packs a punch with a close stellium in Capricorn (Sun/Moon/Pluto/Mercury) all within a 2° orb, plus Venus. With this planetary/sign involvement it’s important to get some down time to have a clear picture of what is going on in your life and what you want to change in the coming year. Try and get a grip on your emotions through meditation and by aligning your personal will with Divine will before working on manifesting what you want.
This New Moon also boasts a very volatile Grand Square (Mars square Sun/Moon, Mercury/Pluto/Jupiter, Jupiter square Uranus, Uranus square Sun/Moon, Mercury/Pluto) and Grand Cross (Mars opposes Uranus, Jupiter opposing Sun/Moon/ Mercury/Venus/Pluto). The next two weeks are not a good time to ask for a raise at your job, or get into it with your loved ones. This is an excellent time to lay low, not rock the boat, not be over confident, or force yourself on others, for the energies have the potential of exploding in your face with violent outbursts, disputes over money/joint resources, accidents, sudden mood changes, impulsive excess, jumping to conclusions and people using force to get what they want.
On January 7th, a Grand Water Trine (Jupiter trine Saturn, trine Moon, trine Jupiter), tries smoothing things out by bringing in energies that are more cautious and conservative, honest, and altruistic
January 11th Mercury moves into Sagittarius helping us to open our minds to new experience and communion with the Universal Mind.
When the Full Moon arrives on January 15th at 25° 58′ Aquarius, 11:52 pm, the Grand Square & Grand Cross are still in the heavens. (Grand Square: Jupiter square Uranus square Pluto square Mars square Jupiter, Grand Cross: Jupiter opposing Pluto/Venus, & Uranus opposing Mars). These configurations hold the same energies they had during the New Moon, however now they are tempered by Moon trine Saturn, trine Venus, Neptune trine N.Node, Neptune conjunct Chiron, Mercury sextile Neptune. Here we have a choice. Do we allow our lower emotions to rule, or do we move into spiritual understanding, inspiration, positive thinking, common sense, honesty, intuition, and altruism?
The Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th bringing an emphasis on friendship, loyalty, brotherhood, collective endeavors, exchanging ideas, a need for freedom and fostering good will to all.
When Jupiter and Pluto begin opposing each other on January 26 for two weeks, be careful not to force your philosophies, spirituality or ideas on others.
The second New Moon arrives on January 30th, 10° 55’Aquarius at 4:39pm. Here duality continues to reign, although with a lighter hand with Jupiter quincunx Sun/Moon, Uranus sextile Sun/Moon, Neptune conjoining Mercury, Pluto conjoining Venus, and Saturn square Mercury, Uranus square Pluto/Venus/Jupiter, Jupiter opposing Venus/Pluto.
Try not to get stuck in old patterns of worry, traditional thinking and gaining wealth and recognition through power and greed. We are called to let go of the past by learning compassion for others by developing a loving and enduring philosophy of life. We are also asked to be open to opportunities, develop new psychic skills, and be passionate towards life. Be careful with new romantic encounters, as they probably won’t last. With an undercurrent of restlessness, it may be a time for travel and adventure.
We end the month with Venus moving direct on January 31st, bringing a new focus on relationships, and Mercury moving into Pisces, enhancing our imaginations, intuition and sympathies for others.