We begin the month with a complex New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse on Nov. 3rd 11° 16’Scorpio, 7:50 AM, EST, that calls for regeneration, action and good timing. It can be seen on east coast of North and South America, southern Europe & Africa.
With a Stellium in Scorpio (N. Node/Mercury exact conjunction 7°, Sun/Moon exact conjunction 11°, Saturn 13°, Part of Fortune 24°) this New Moon and Eclipse will deliver a wallop back to the side of expanding spiritual development.
A Kite will introduce important, new, acceptable, concepts creating insight, the will to act, and regenerate your personal life, practical affairs, emotions, stamina, and health. (Kite: Grand Trine: Mars/Pluto/S. Node, Sextiles: Pluto/S. Node sextile Chiron)
Cooperative, productive, action is emphasized by Mars trining Pluto and sextiling Sun/Moon/Mercury/S.Node/Saturn.
On November 5th Venus enters Capricorn until the end of this year, emphasizing commitment and loyalty in love and a need for financial security.
When Jupiter turns retrograde on November 7th until July 2014, it enhances our ability to gain spiritual insight, seek underlying truths and remain optimistic about our future.
Mercury turning direct on November 10th marks the time to move into action with new projects.
Watch out for November 15th as it may bring personal relationship or financial worries when Pluto and Venus conjoin.
The Full Moon comes this month on November 17th at 25° 26’Taurus, 10:16 am EST, with a continued Scorpio stellium (Sun/Saturn and exact conjunction of N. Node/Mercury), that brings new, popular ideas and transformative, practical accomplishments in financial and personal affairs.
Enhancing this trend is a Grand Trine (N.Node/Mercury/Part of Fortune) that enables us to work with prevailing trends and visualize our future, while a Mystic Rectangle (Mercury/N. Node sextile Pluto/Venus trine S. Node/sextile Part of Fortune/trine Mercury/N. Node), moves us to question the structure of our culture and how to diplomatically find solutions to current dilemmas.
On November 21st the Sun enters Sagittarius for the next month adding adventure, positive thinking, & concern for the society’s well-being.
We end the month with a bear of a day on Thanksgiving, November 28th. Here we have a T-square (conflict & challenge) with Libra Moon opposing Uranus in Aries and squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Watch out for emotional flare-ups, and drastic solutions to pending issues.