Astrology Update: September 2013

September 1st, 2013

An interesting month indeed! With a polarized New and Full moon, emotional juices will flow no matter which side of the political/spiritual fence you are sitting on.  And with Mercury dancing in three signs, relationships may be a little unstable.

We begin on September 1st with two powerful configurations that promote spiritual development and transformation in all aspects of your life. (Pluto trine Sun & Moon/Mars conjunction).

Then on September 5th the New Moon 13° 04’Virgo at 7:36am EST, gives your transformation more momentum with   2 Kites, a Yod, Mystic Rectangle, Grand Cross and a stellium in Virgo.

This New Moon is a huge catharsis toward healing the rifts we have within ourselves and with others, transforming them and then moving toward spiritual development through deep questioning of who we are, and where we are going both as individuals and as a culture.

For you astrology buffs, here are the specific configurations.  2 Kites: Grand Trine: S.Node/Pluto/Sun & Moon, Sextiles: Pluto/N.Node & Chiron + Chiron/S.Node & Pluto, Yod: Uranus quincunx Sun/Moon/N.Node, Sun sextile N. Node, Mystic Rectangle:  S.Node trine Sun/Moon, sextile N.Node trine Chiron, sextile S. Node, Grand Cross:  Nodal opposition and Sun/Moon opposing Chiron, Virgo stellium: Mercury/Part of Fortune/Sun/Moon.

On September 9th, Mercury moves from detailed Virgo to liberating Libra.  Set some time aside for socializing with others.

When Venus enters Scorpio, four weeks on September11, watch out for passionate encounters in your relationships and anger issues.

Transition begins over the next six days preparing us for the polarizing energies of this month’s Full Moon with a Saturn/N.Node conjunction on September 12, Uranus/Mars trine on September 14 and then Saturn/Venus/N. Node conjunction on September 18.  Here we are subjected to a roller coater ride of conforming to the prevailing culture, then rejecting old conditions, followed again by a more conservative approach.

Watch out for this month’s Full Moon on Sept 19th in 26° 41’Pisces at 7:13 am EST!!  Its configurations suggest a huge emotional backlash from the Powers that be.  Configurations are: Grand Cross: (Pluto/Jupiter opposition, and S.Node opposing N.Node/Venus/Saturn), Sun opposing Moon/Part of Fortune, Uranus quincunx Venus/Saturn and Mars square N.Node/Venus/Saturn.

When Pluto turns direct on September 20, see hidden truths revealed.  Sun enters Libra on the 22, giving way to the Fall Equinox. And we end the month with Mercury moving into Scorpio for the next nine weeks on September 29.  This will be a good time for deep, transformative thinking of how to make the world a better place. However, if things are not going your way, be careful not to let depression seep in.
















Have Your Senses Become More Acute?

September 1st, 2013

Since we have stepped over the threshold into the 5th World many of you may have begun experiencing subtle or dramatic changes to your senses.  Do not be alarmed as this is simply how your body is adjusting to the intense higher frequencies currently bombarding our planet.

If you are finding that loud noise like babies crying, dishes clanking, background sound in restaurants or even some people’s voices hurt your ears and nervous system; you can find relief by using earplugs.  Or perhaps your hearing has expanded to include psychic sounds such as telephone ringing before it actually rings, faint voices in a quiet background, or celestial music and singing.  No, you’re not going crazy!  These are simply indications that you are opening to higher dimensions.

Likewise, you may begin to see things from the corner of your eyes, colors or auric fields around people, plants, animals or even inanimate objects.  Or you may find yourself avoiding crowds, certain types of food and odors.

When these changes occur it is very important to listen to your body and accommodate its needs.  Remember, the shift happening now requires that we become more sensitive to our own subtle nuances, as well as our surroundings.

The best way to work with these changes is simply to go with the flow and not resist.  Becoming more consistent with meditation or yoga regimes will help your body realign smoothly.  Sound attunements via crystal bowls or chanting may also help, as well as periodic energy attunements.

Joy of Flowers!

September 1st, 2013

During the summer months one of my favorite morning pastimes is watching all the flower activity on my porch.  It gives me great pleasure to know I am supplying nectar to the many moths, bees, butterflies and hummingbirds that frequent this part of my garden.

Sitting and watching a sea of purples, pinks and an occasional yellow, I feel uplifted by sensing each flower’s beauty, vibration and presence, for flowers connect us with Divine joy!   It is by no accident that they are given when a dear one passes, when we celebrate our love for another, or when we want to say please forgive me.

When we sit quietly, in reverence and reflection with a flower, her spirit may sometimes share messages or guidance through our feelings.  Thus, through observation and heightened senses we may engage in a new type of relationship.

So the next time you encounter a flower, feel the wonder of its joyful presence.  And give gratitude for your beautiful experience.

Segmented Sleep Patterns of our Ancestors

September 1st, 2013

Did you know that the sleeping habits of our ancestors were different than our own today?  With the lack of electricity and street lamps, people had 2 nightly sleep cycles.  The first one lasted 3-4 hours. Then upon waking, people would get up and be active for 1-2 hours and then fall back to sleep until morning; a 12 hour cycle in all.

This phenomena was first rediscovered by Professor Roger Ekirch of Virginia Tech in 1990, after doing copious research of past literature, court documents, and personal papers.

For those of you interested in learning more, you can read his book

At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past.


Astrology Update: August 2013

August 3rd, 2013

We begin the month August 1-5 with a continuation of a Grand Sextile and Star of David, the rare configurations mentioned last month.

In Review…With six planets evenly distributed 60° from each other, and in complementary yin elements of earth & water, the Grand Sextile (N. Node Pluto, Chiron, Uranus, Mars, Jupiter, Venus) helps to enhance you spiritual development, while the Star of David (ascending Grand Trine ~ S. Node, Venus, Pluto & descending Grand Trine ~ Neptune/Moon, Part of Fortune/Jupiter, & Saturn) hails a balanced reorganization of us and society, while the oppositions drive the trines and sextiles into action.  (Mars/Jupiter opposite Pluto/Moon opposite Saturn, and Venus opposite Neptune)

And the Rest… On August 6th the New Moon graces us at 14º 45′ Leo at 5:51pm EST.  Expect an undercurrent of emotional theatrics; a desire to be at the center of attention and get your own needs met. With a Grand Cross (Jupiter/Pluto in exact opposition, and Saturn/N. Node opposing S. Node) tensions arise as we decide whether to espouse the new spiritual paradigm or side with the old cultural guard.

However, with a Mystic Rectangle in the mix, (Jupiter sextile S. Node, trine Pluto, sextile N. Node/Saturn trine Jupiter) be prepared for deep questioning and transformation of your past and present behavior and actions.

Later, when Mercury enters Leo on August 9th, creative communication becomes the norm for two weeks until Mercury goes into Virgo on August 22nd.  At that point look for more attention to detail and concern for health and everyday routines.

When Venus enters Libra on August 16th until the middle of September, you can look forward to harmonious and balanced relationships.

The Full Moon arrives on August 20 at 28º 11′ Aquarius  The same Mystic Rectangle prevails from the New Moon insisting that we really question everything that we think and do, while the Kite helps us clear out old patterns and ground new ones. (Grand Trine: Jupiter/Chiron/Saturn, Sextiles, Pluto/Chiron & Saturn, Opposition: Pluto/Jupiter)

August 22nd our Sun enters Virgo, and the very next day Mercury follows suit putting an emphasis on service to others, details, health and diet.

Get ready for blurred thoughts, misunderstandings and deceptions on August 26th when Neptune already extremely close to the Earth, also opposes the Sun.

We end the month with passion, drama, and a need for attention when Mars enters Leo on August 27th.


Having Problems Sleeping?

August 3rd, 2013

Welcome to the 5th World!

Since the ending of the Mayan Calendar and the Fourth World, many people have commented to me that their sleeping patterns have changed.  No longer can they sleep through the night uninterrupted or fall asleep easily. Or like me, they need far fewer hours of sleep each night.

Why is this happening?  Because the Fifth World is ruled by the element of Ether or Spirit, the old ways are no longer working.  Our life pace has quickened and we are being challenged to change ourselves in all facets of our lives.

As shown in previous newsletters, NASA has reported that as a result of a hole in our magnetosphere, (layer of Earth’s atmosphere that protects us from solar winds), we are constantly being exposed to larger amounts of solar radiation and plasma, thus disrupting our sensitive nervous system and bio-electric energies.  Although these same energies are also raising our consciousness, this process forces us to release and transform old emotional and mental patterns.  In doing so our sleep cycles may be disrupted as our body and psyche realigns itself.  We can also awaken from violent or unpleasant dreams as we purge our unconscious of persistent negative patterning.

This subconscious, psychological and emotional purification can also cause us to feel compelled to fall asleep at unusual times during the day.  So if you can, please allow these periods of deep sleep to occur as they help acclimate and integrate your body during these energetic transitions.

Beans of Life

August 3rd, 2013

After July’s deluge I wasn’t sure that I would have a viable vegetable garden left.  Although my tomatoes, basil, oregano and parsley did not fair well, my cucumbers, squash and beans didn’t skip a beat.  Thriving in all that rain, the bush beans were the first to produce and grace my dinner table.

 High in antioxidants, fiber, protein, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc, beans, also known as legumes or pulses, are a great addition to anyone’s diet.  Green beans are also rich in Vitamin A, C, K, and Manganese.

Having a high level of isoflavones, (compounds similar to estrogen), some tout their benefits may include easing symptoms of menopause, preventing some forms of cancer, reducing a risk of heart disease and improving bone and prostate health.

Magical Properties of Beans

Ever since we heard the fairy tale of Jack and the Bean Stalk as children we have equated beans as being magical.  Here, in disgust Jack’s Mother throws his beans out the window and the very next day they grow into a huge bean stalk that reaches into the heavens, where he finds a world inhabited by giants and treasure.

 The beans planted in this story allude to a magic seed (of life) that when fully grown can help you to find opportunities and riches in unknown (or future) realms. Reflecting their abundant nourishment, the beans in this fable show us to have hope in life, for we never know what good fortune awaits us further down the road.





6,000 Year Old Cave Painting Found in US

August 3rd, 2013

After exploring 1000 caves in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and West Virginia, the multidisciplinary Cave Archaeology Research Team (CART), led by Dr. Jan F. Simek, professor of Science & Anthropology at the University of Tennessee has found over 44 above ground petroglyphs and 50 dark zone cave paintings ranging in age from 500 to 6000 years old. (Dark zones in caves are where there is no light and the temperature remains constant.)

A monumental discovery, many of these paintings often depict a shamanic cosmology consisting of three worlds (upper, middle & lower) representing a multidimensional realm of Spirit and a potential for spiritual growth.

Represented by celestial bodies, forces and mythic figures that influenced humanity in many ways, the Upper World was often drawn in red ocher while ordinary plants, animals and people symbolized the Middle World.  Marked by fish and birds the Lower Realms showed that it was possible to re-emerge from the under world after transformation and renewal.

Dr. Simke and his colleagues feel that the cliff and cave art are somehow connected.  Other images discovered depict mythological images such as serpents and circles or humans engaged in hunting and magical activities.


Astrology Update: July 2013

July 4th, 2013

Although we begin the month with some pretty dismal energy from a Venus/Saturn square and Pluto/Sun opposition, that at best puts a damper on relationships, things soon pick up at the New Moon on July 8th.

This New Moon, 16º 18’Cancer at 3:14 am EST, is very complex as it features a stellium in Cancer (Moon, Mercury, Sun, & Jupiter) and several Grand Trines; two forming Kites for stability, focus and action.  This will be an excellent time to give much attention to healing old beliefs, core issues and emotions, and transforming them into new healthy patterns and attitudes.  (Grand Trine: N. Node/Part of Fortune trine Chiron & Sun/Mercury, with Pluto sextiling N. Node & Chiron, Pluto opposing Sun, plus S. Node sextiling Sun & Chiron & Nodes opposing each other.) 

 With an abundance of Cancer energy plus the water Grand Trines many astrologers see these configurations as heralding in a major shift towards the Divine feminine.  This idea may be enhanced by another configuration called a Mystic Rectangle (Jupiter/Sun Mercury trine N. Node sextile Pluto trine S. Node sextile Jupiter/Sun/ Mercury) 

Although a Mystic Rectangle provokes enormous questioning, solutions arise from apparent good luck, while new, positive and exciting outcomes from difficult challenges become possible through integrating diverse concepts.

And incredibly with only a couple of changes, these configurations remain constant through the Full Moon on July 22, 0º 06′ Aquarius 2:16 pm, EST.  Here the Sun is in Leo, Moon in Aquarius, and we have a Mars/Jupiter conjunction.  The latter gives more energy/enthusiasm for changing lifestyles and attitudes.

Then, the Grand Finale arrives on July 29th with two extremely rare astrological configurations: A Grand Sextile and a Star of David, grace us until August 5th.

With six planets evenly distributed 60° from each other, and in complementary yin elements of earth & water, the Grand Sextile  (N. Node, Pluto, Chiron, Uranus, Mars, Jupiter, Mars, Venus) helps to enhance your spiritual development, while the Star of David (ascending Grand Trine ~ S. Node, Venus, Pluto & descending Grand Trine ~ Neptune, Moon/Part of Fortune/Jupiter & Saturn) hails a balanced reorganization of us and society, while the oppositions(Mars/Jupiter opposite Pluto/Moon opposite Saturn and Venus opposite Neptune) drive the trines and sextiles into action.


And the Rest of the Month…

July 8th: Saturn turns direct after being retrograde for five months, helping you move forward with new projects.

July 13th:  Mars moves into Cancer until the end of August adding emotion and moodiness to relationships.

July 17th:  Uranus begins a five-month retrograde enabling us to process long-term loss & separation.

July 20th:  Mercury turns Direct, initializing a time for new projects.

July 22nd:  Venus enters Virgo for four weeks, putting a bite on relationships with criticism, judgments, and coldness.

Dynamic Basil

July 4th, 2013

This summer I decided to grow sweet Basil once again to attract bees to the garden, keep my tomatoes happy with complimentary planting, and use in recipes as a culinary herb.  Like most plants, Basil has a wide variety of species each having slightly different characteristics.

Although most of us enjoy sweet Basil in pesto, tomato dishes and Thai food, few of us probably realize that this plant also has various medicinal properties that have been used for thousands of years in many cultures.


Some Medicinal Uses of Basil

Digestive Disorders

Tension & Anxiety

Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats & Fevers

Constipation & Dysentery

Cut & Abrasions


Nerve Pain

Menstrual Cramps

Insect Bites & Stings

Shamanic & Magical Properties

In Haiti and Mexico Basil was consider a powerful protector and was planted by homes to ward-off evil spirits.  Planted on graves, in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Persia this herb was associated with death, and helping the deceased ascend the Heavens.  In India it was planted around temples and shrines, thus procuring the name of “Holy Basil”.  This species is said to be highly anti-inflammatory and good for lowering blood sugar.

So the next time you’re including Basil in your favorite dish for flavor, you can ponder how this dynamic herb is also improving your physical health.