Be prepared this month for a relationship roll-a-coaster as Venus traverses Gemini, Cancer and Leo. On June 2 Venus enters Cancer to focus on financial/domestic security, affection, and extremes in emotional sensitivity. When Venus enters Leo on June 27, expect emotional stabilization along with an emphasis on creative endeavors, living life to it’s fullest, and craving the spotlight.
On June 3rd the heavens provide us with a Grand Trine of Mercury, Saturn, & Neptune helping us visualize and manifest our professional goals. Then on June 7th when Neptune turns retrograde for six months, it’s time to enlighten/heal any hidden ideas, concepts and actualities that may be holding your spiritual enfoldment at bay.
On June 8th at 11:56 am EST we have the New Moon at 18º11’Gemini, boasting two rare Kite configurations. The first one is composed of a Grand Trine with Neptune, Saturn and Venus, Part of Fortune sextile Saturn and Venus, and Neptune opposing the Part of Fortune. Remembering the Kite becomes the driving focus of the chart, look for an emphasis on being altruistic toward others, plus artistic endeavors.
The second Kite is composed of a Grand Trine with Chiron, N. Node and Mercury, N. Node sextile Chiron & Mercury, and Pluto opposing Venus and Mercury. This is a time to heal and move forward by embracing paradoxes, writing, and gaining acceptance for your ideas. Watch out, however, for the shadow side of this configuration that may leave you prone to confidentiality leaks and unwise decisions.
In addition, we also have Jupiter, Sun, Moon and Mars in Gemini with the former three conjunct, making communication of all kinds a focus for this New Moon. Uranus square Mercury and Venus feed the shadow of the second Kite by providing impetus for impractical, snap ideas and relationships, without having foresight of truth or consequences. In addition watch out for unconscious emotional desires with Neptune square Mars.
When the Sun stands still for the Summer Solstice on June 20th, it’s a good time to mirror this event by taking pause in your busy life to see how you want to improve it and proceed.
We have a rather benevolent Full Moon on June 23, 7:32am, EST at 2º 10′ Capricorn with a slew of trines and sextiles. A Grand Trine with Neptune, Saturn & Sun/Jupiter helps us accomplish our aims with the stock market, spirituality, organizing plans for our future and meditation.
Sextiles: Moon/Saturn, Neptune, Uranus/Mars, Pluto/N. Node enhance the Grand Trine by emphasizing organizational abilities for profession and home, hard work to accomplish tasks, psychic tendencies, and transforming our culture to serve the people. We finish the month with Jupiter moving into Cancer on June 25th for the rest of the year, Mercury turning Retrograde on June 26th until July 20th and Venus moving into Leo on June 27th.