We begin the month on April 10th with lot’s of energy for new adventures from the New Moon, 20º 41′ Aries, at 5:35 am and a stellium of planets in the same sign. (Sun/Moon/Mars/Venus conjunct & Uranus) Although the tendency will be to enjoy life to the fullest, or concentrate volumes of passionate energy on new projects, this Sun/Moon contact calls for pacing your actions so you don’t burn yourself out.
When Pluto turns Retrograde April 12th for the next five months, it will be time to detoxify your body, release old toxic memories, and any material possessions that are no longer needed.
Mercury enters the planetary line-up in Aries on April 13th making us impatient with opposition and delays, and not inclined to follow through on ideas already initiated.
Venus enters Taurus on April 15th reinforcing our emotional security, with the Sun following suit on April 19th, boosting our ability to ground our physical plans and accomplishments. However, watch out for a two-week slow down in financial and love affairs when Venus begins opposing Saturn on April 16th.
With Mars entering Taurus on April 20th, although it may reinforce the Venus/Saturn vibe, it will also give you the determination and perseverance needed to keep the ball rolling.
This month we have a Full Moon, partial Lunar Eclipse that promises to upset our apple cart. Eclipses are powerful signposts of healing crises and change, and this month’s eclipse won’t disappoint with a struggle between your conscious will and unconscious feelings. (Moon/Saturn & Mars/Sun conjunction, plus Sun/Moon opposition)
Take attention away from your ego and help someone else. (Venus/N. Node conjunction) It’s time to choose your cup as half full instead of half empty by incorporating the sextiles/trines into your day instead of focusing on the oppositions. (Pluto sextile Saturn, Jupiter sextile Venus, Mars sextile Neptune, Pluto trine Sun/Venus ~ Saturn opposing Sun/Mars, Moon opposing Mars, N. Node opposing Mercury/Uranus)
In doing so, you will activate the Yod (Jupiter/Mercury sextile, both quincunx the N. Node) that can help you to reach toward new spiritual ideas and pursuits through writing, travel and study.
We end the month on April 28th when Saturn makes its closest approach to the Earth, while conjoining the Sun. Although a general activity slowdown is indicated, there is quick recuperation with Sun trine Moon the following day, helping you to calmly address any manifested obstacles.
About Your Astrologer… Barbara-Lynn Freed has studied and worked with astrology for over thirty years. Her personal readings specialize in discovering your Karmic issues, your Evolutionary Goals and your Life’s True Purpose, while helping you to gain insight into how to grow and change within your current life dynamics. For more information and to have your chart read, see her website.
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