Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th helping us enhance our intuitions, and imagination. However, watch out for fluctuating emotions and vacillating decision-making.
On February 10th at 2:20 am EST the New Moon joins Venus and the Sun in Aquarius at 21º43′, while four other planets (Neptune, Mars, Mercury and Chiron) are in Pisces. With this type of stellium it would be easy to assume that this New Moon will be a bed of Roses for spiritual development in mankind. However, the multitude of aspects suggests that a conscious choice must be made and reflects that dualism still prevails.
It’s time to review or assess your accomplishments, while curtailing new projects as Saturn moves retrograde on February 18th and stays there for five months. Mercury joins this backward motion on February 23rd, going retrograde until March 17th.
We end the month with the Full Moon on February 25th at 3:26 pm EST, 7º24′ Virgo, featuring a grand stellium of five planets in Pisces. (Neptune, Sun, Chiron, Mars, Mercury, with Venus at 29º Aquarius, displaying a bit of both signs)
The major aspect here is an exact, mutable T square with Sun/Moon in opposition, square Jupiter that may bring crisis due to emotional excess and wanting to achieve too much, too fast. This is supported by the Mars/Mercury square that can bring arguments, irritation and an inclination to jump to conclusions and Moon opposing Neptune, helping you project your emotional confusion.
However, this Full Moon continues to reflect the theme of choice and duality with Sun/Venus conjunct Neptune, Sun trine Saturn, Pluto trine Moon and sextile Sun. These aspects give us the option of communing with the Divine, spiritual love and understanding deeper levels of conscious, strength of will, power to do good, and emotional regeneration of self and environment.
About Your Astrologer… Barbara-Lynn Freed has studied and worked with astrology for over thirty years. Her personal readings specialize in discovering your Karmic issues, your Evolutionary Goals and your Life’s True Purpose, while helping you to gain insight into how to grow and change within your current life dynamics. For more information and to have your chart read, see her website.