Astrology Update: February 2013

February 1st, 2013
Astrological shifts begin the month on February 1st with Mars entering Pisces and Venus entering Aquarius: an interesting mix of two very different energies. Watch out for erupting suppressed anger and strong unconscious emotions with Mars, while Venus brings us an impersonal, though friendly outlook on life, and a need for freedom in relationships.

Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th helping us enhance our intuitions, and imagination. However, watch out for fluctuating emotions and vacillating  decision-making.

On February 10th at 2:20 am EST the New Moon joins Venus and the Sun in Aquarius at 21º43′, while four other planets (Neptune, Mars, Mercury and Chiron) are in Pisces.  With this type of stellium it would be easy to assume that this New Moon will be a bed of Roses for spiritual development in mankind. However, the multitude of aspects suggests that a conscious choice must be made and reflects that dualism still prevails.

It’s time to review or assess your accomplishments, while curtailing new projects as Saturn moves retrograde on February 18th and stays there for five months. Mercury joins this backward motion on February 23rd, going retrograde until March 17th.

We end the month with the Full Moon on February 25th at 3:26 pm EST, 7º24′ Virgo, featuring a grand stellium of five planets in Pisces. (Neptune, Sun, Chiron, Mars, Mercury, with Venus at 29º Aquarius, displaying a bit of both signs)

 The major aspect here is an exact, mutable T square with Sun/Moon in opposition, square Jupiter that may bring crisis due to emotional excess and wanting to achieve too much, too fast. This is supported by the Mars/Mercury square that can bring arguments, irritation and an inclination to jump to conclusions and Moon opposing Neptune, helping you project your emotional confusion.

However, this Full Moon continues to reflect the theme of choice and duality with Sun/Venus conjunct Neptune, Sun trine Saturn, Pluto trine Moon and  sextile Sun. These aspects give us the option of communing with the Divine, spiritual love and understanding deeper levels of conscious, strength of will, power to do good, and emotional regeneration of self and environment.


About Your Astrologer… Barbara-Lynn Freed has studied and worked with astrology for over thirty years.  Her personal readings specialize in  discovering your Karmic issues, your Evolutionary Goals and your Life’s True Purpose, while helping you to gain insight into how to grow and change within your current life dynamics.  For more information and to have your chart read, see her website.

Chinese New Year: Year of the Yin Black Water Snake

February 1st, 2013

February 10th marks the day for the Chinese New Year in 2013 and the year of the Black Water Snake. Unlike our own New Year’s Day, the Chinese one is not celebrated on the same day every year. Instead, based on a Lunar calendar, it falls on the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice.

The first Chinese New Year began in 2600 BC, when Emperor Huang Ti first invented the complex, sixty year Jikkan Junishi calendar composed of ten heavenly stems based on the principal of yin/yang, and the five elements of wood, earth, metal, fire, and water, and the twelve earthly branches based on animals. The year of the Black Water Snake in 2013 is the thirtieth year in the sixty-year cycle.

Because this year is characterized by deep, dynamic, unexpected change and instability, it’s a good idea to be spontaneous, go with the flow whenever possible, and gracefully release old patterns as you move forward in life. In this way you may be able to keep unlucky surprises to a minimum.
About the Author…
 Barbara-Lynn Freed has over twenty years experience in Shamanism and teaches a 3 year Shamanic apprenticeship called Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  To find out more about this program and how to sign-up see her website.

Your First Spiritual Healing Session: What to Expect

February 1st, 2013

The best way for us to know how to proceed during your first and subsequent Spiritual Healing sessions is to give your auric field, meridians and chakras an energy assessment. By doing so, we can quickly perceive your emotional, mental, psychic and spiritual issues.

Although my healing focus is usually on deep emotional and spiritual purification, our first session together will concentrate on preliminary clearing and cleaning of emotional debris in your aura and chakras, plus a recalibration of your energy field to harmonize with the stellar energies currently raising our planet’s vibration. By doing so, you can relax and begin working with these energies instead of resisting them and thus, help your life to run smoother.

We end your first session with a review of our findings and a discussion on how to proceed with your future sessions.


About Your Spiritual Healer                                                                                                                                                                                    Barbara-Lynn Freed is a Mystic, Spiritual Healer and Teacher, who believes in a holistic approach to life, and has a love for helping people understand the mysteries and challenges in their lives.  In 1992 she founded “Awakening the Heart!” spiritual healing practice, and was ordained as an Alliance of Divine Love, interfaith Minister in 1993.  

Her 30 year eclectic background includes a four year apprenticeship in Native American spirituality and healing, and further studies in Dreams, Women’s Mysteries, Archeo-Astronomy, and the Mystical Branches of the World’s Major Religions, plus a cross-cultural study of ancient and indigenous people’s perception of the land, time, and space.  Barbara-Lynn radiates profound inner peace and centeredness. She understands the sacredness of life and experiences the interconnectedness of all things. Through her Alliance of Divine Love ministry she teaches people how to love themselves.

Have any questions? 

Just give me a call at (919) 942-7754


Visit my website 

Right Use of Will: What is it?

January 3rd, 2013

We all know that when we exercise our personal Will we are using self-discipline to motivate us to take charge of our behavior. Aligned with our ego and desires, this form of Will assists our intellect to consciously decide the best course of action.

When we align our personal will with Divine Will our life becomes infused with spiritual energy that works toward our spiritual growth, transformation and enlightenment. Allowing us to grow unconditional love embodied with Spirit, this Right Use of Will helps us move toward our Divine potential, by accelerating our evolutionary path, through an expanded consciousness and higher purpose in life.


How to Connect with Divine Will

Yearn to do so

Have Gratitude




Conscious Breathing

Surrendering to a Higher Power

Enjoying the Beauty in Nature

Connecting with your Higher Self

Following your Heart


Once you have achieved this spiritual resonation, you will be able to shine your Light within to others.


About the Author… Barbara-Lynn Freed has over twenty years experience as a Spiritual Healer and works with clients to help them heal their core issues, raise their consciousness and create inner peace.  To find out more about her practice and to make an appointment see her website.



Astrology Update: January 2013

December 30th, 2012

Because this month hales the beginning of a New Year in the new millennium, I thought it would be nice to see what was in store for us.  So I’ve cast and interpreted a chart for January 1st at 12:00 AM at Chapel Hill, NC And it looks like those of us living in the Triangle are in for an interesting time!

This chart boasts a Yod, Grand Square/Grand Cross and three Grand Trines, two of which form a Star of David configuration and half of a Grand Sextile within a mass of aspects, along with a Pluto/Sun conjunction.  I’ve included a picture for the curious among you. So get your magnifying glass.

New Year's Chart 2013

The Grand Square/Grand Cross will be great for pushing our buttons and motivating us into transforming our linear, left-brain focus in the world as both configurations throw us into emotional/psychic questioning, turmoil, confusion, and a dreamy state that’s out of synch with the norm. (Grand Square- S.Node square Moon, square Neptune, square N. Node, square Moon and Grand Cross – Moon opposes Neptune and Nodes oppose each other)

However, once we are able to catch our breath we can turn our attention to the stabilizing factors of the triple Grand Trines. The Star of David configuration is composed of Grand Trine #1 Jupiter trine Ascendent,  trine Mars,  trine Jupiter and Grand Trine #2 Moon trine Vertex point, trine Venus  trine Moon.

This configuration adds foundation in emotional healing, good will, harmony, cooperation, accomplishment, and gentleness in all our relationships, while the third Grand Trine (Saturn trine Chiron, trine MC trine Saturn) adds professional success, by restructuring and healing old patterns and issues with authority figures.

Although we have the ability to regenerate and change things through our will, the 4th House Pluto/Sun conjunction, also enables us to take the high road by becoming an instrument of Divine Will, remaking our personal inner security into a transpersonal perspective to work for the good of all.

The Yod, with apex Jupiter, quincunx Saturn and Pluto, sextile each other points the way to a major life-style change culminating with a new life philosophy or code to live by.



About Your Astrologer… Barbara-Lynn Freed has studied and worked with astrology for over thirty years.  Her personal readings specialize in  discovering your Karmic issues, your Evolutionary Goals and your Life’s True Purpose, while helping you to gain insight into how to grow and change within your current life dynamics.  For more information and to have your chart read, see her website.

Honoring Our Ancestors

December 30th, 2012

The tradition of honoring the Ancestors has been ongoing for thousands of years in many countries all over the world. However here in the West, we usually find this to be a foreign concept because this practice is no longer in our cultural memory. Here we are intent on objectifying the world, and concentrating on the new. Yet when we tap into our spiritual memory, truly connect with our bodies, and live in Right Relationship, honoring our ancestors simply becomes a natural part of life.

Who Are Our Ancestors?

Although the ancestral world can be defined as  All Our Relations or the collective of humanity who came before us, many prefer to narrow this realm down to their family lineage.

Why Should We Connect With Our Ancestors?

Working with your ancestors can create both personal growth and transformation by healing past, present and future familial patterns. Our ancestors can also become a great source of guidance, wisdom, and support in our everyday life.

Who Can Work With the Ancestors?

As long as you have the willingness to do so, anyone can work with his or her ancestral line.

How Do We Work With Our Ancestors?

Because some ancestors may need healing, it’s usually best to first create sacred space with your favorite deity,  and then thank them for only contacting you with  your deceased relatives that serve Love and Light. Then you can honor your lineage simply through acknowledgement, or by building an altar where you can maintain a relationship.

We can also learn from our Hispanic brothers/sisters who celebrate all who have come before, each November 2nd, on the Day of the Dead. Here, everyone goes to the cemetery for a grand party of eating, dancing, singing and well wishes for their deceased relatives.


 About the Author…
 Barbara-Lynn Freed has over twenty years experience in Shamanism and teaches a 3 year Shamanic apprenticeship called Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  To find out more about this program and how to sign-up see her website.

Spiritual Purpose of Rice

December 30th, 2012

While trying to figure out what I wanted to eat during a recent Holiday potluck, I couldn’t help but notice how many dishes were based on rice. Although rice is a mainstay for many cultures, I’ve quite recently decided to curb my intake after reading an article in Consumer’s Report telling about  it’s high arsenic content.  Due to accumulated pesticide use, this deadly toxin has contaminated even organic rice when it is grown near toxic runoff from other rice paddies. Unfortunately, unless Congress institutes arsenic guidelines for food, this will remain a looming issue for Americans.

Spiritually, rice has been a symbol for prosperity, fertility, wealth and a link between Heaven and Earth in many cultures for thousand of years. As a grain it was considered to be a staff of life and hence, a life giving, sacred food to be used in offerings and rituals, for house blessings, altars, shrines, and celebrations. We even keep this ancient custom today, when we shower the bride and groom with rice to ensure a fertile union.

For the ancient Chinese, Rice was one of their Twelve Symbols of Sovereignty that represented their emperor as the son of Heaven and the ruler of Earth. Here Rice represents the emperor’s capacity to feed and serve his people.

Originating in India and Turkey, rice writing or the art of writing a sacred word on a single grain of rice was practiced for thousand of years. Symbolizing good fortune, wealth and fertility, it was incorporated into jewelry to enhance the wearer’s life.

It is ironic that this traditional symbol of good fortune is now the bearer of toxic tidings.  Let the IS Foundation   help you find out more about this ongoing issue.

About the Author…
 Barbara-Lynn Freed has over twenty years experience in Shamanism and teaches a 3 year Shamanic apprenticeship called Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  To find out more about this program and how to sign-up see her website.

Astrology Update: December 2012

December 2nd, 2012

There’s been a lot of noise on the Internet about a December 3rd exact planetary alignment with the Pyramids of Giza. However, after doing much research I discovered it’s a misnomer. Yes, Mercury, Venus and Saturn will all be in Scorpio, but not lined up with the pyramids the way people would like them to be. Too extensive for this column to cover, read the full story in a Discover Magazine article here.

On Dec. 12th, Mercury moves into Sagittarius helping us stimulate yearnings for philosophical thoughts and attitudes. And on Dec. 13th, Uranus finally turns Direct. This marks a time to break away from past patterns and begin something new.

Also, on Dec. 13th the New Moon takes place at  21º 45′  Sagittarius, 3:42 am EST and features a stellium in Scorpio, (Saturn, N.Node, Venus, Part of Fortune Part of Spirit) bringing in a wave of transformative energy onto the planet. This stellium accentuates spiritual awakening, joy, and rebirth, while the Sun, Moon and Mercury in Sagittarius promote high goals, positive thinking, and concern for society as a whole, along with prophetic insights to help unfold our destiny.

The most dynamic aspect with this New Moon is a Yod, (Pluto/Saturn sextile & Pluto/Saturn quincunx Jupiter), that points us to regeneration through discipline and hard work, while helping us assess situations realistically, allowing for opportunities to develop and take advantage of uncertainty.

When Venus moves into Sagittarius on Dec 17, our emotional responses and inner feelings become more spiritually oriented, open and honest.

Then Winter Solstice arrives on December 21st bringing the end of the Mayan Calendar and the birthing of the Fifth World with another Yod (Pluto 9º Capricorn sextile Saturn at 9º Scorpio, with both quincunx Jupiter at 9º Gemini).

Coupled with the Pluto/Saturn mutual reception, the Yod of 2012’s Winter Solstice alludes to a time when we have the power to regenerate ourselves and the world from unrest and chaos through discipline and hard work, while learning to look at situations realistically, release our fears and dogmatic attitudes and move toward new opportunities. This reflects the Mayans view of a time for awakening and moving into a higher state of consciousness.

With Mars moving into Aquarius on Dec. 27, we are stimulated to work toward the good of the whole through independent actions.

And last in the roundup is the Full Moon on  Dec. 28th, 7º 06′ Cancer, at 5:21am EST. While the Yod of the New Moon still prevails, there are a number of other close aspects that add a slightly different flavor.

Saturn sextile Sun & trine Moon, gives us organizational skills, patience, discipline, and common sense to endure hardship to achieve long-range goals and build on established foundations.  Jupiter quincunx Sun helps us learn the right use of generosity, whereas, we need to watch out for a need for excitement and adventure with unwise action that can bring danger of unrest on the home front with Pluto opposing Moon. Uranus sextile Mars rounds out this Full Moon energy by bringing rapid, decisive, action helping us to work hard to accomplish tasks at hand.


About Your Astrologer… Barbara-Lynn Freed has studied and worked with astrology for over thirty years.  Her personal readings specialize in  discovering your Karmic issues, your Evolutionary Goals and your Life’s True Purpose, while helping you to gain insight into how to grow and change within your current life dynamics.  For more information and to have your chart read, see her website.

Attitude of Gratitude Lightens Your Load

December 2nd, 2012

It’s easy for us to take our lives for granted when things are going well. But if we return a Thank You  for our good fortune, we will make space for new blessings to arrive when we least expect them.

By saying Thank You everyday to the Divine for your food, shelter, job, and family’s health, you will also strengthen your connection to the Source and create more trust and faith that will inevitably sustain you during hard times.

When you are in a crisis or prolonged bad luck, try to have gratitude for what is going right in your life. It’s easy to complain and see the negative in unfavorable situations you are encountering. But if you can think of at least one thing that is positive about it, you may be able to shift your perception and change things to a more favorable outcome.

By looking at your glass of life as being half full instead of half empty you can bring more abundance to yourself  and in all facets of your life.

About the Author...
Barbara-Lynn Freed has worked at a Spiritual Healer for over twenty years helping clients to raise their consciousness, heal their core issues and develop inner peace.  For more information about her practice or to make an appointment, visit her website.

Ritual: How it Works & How it Can Help Heal the Earth

December 2nd, 2012

Practiced for thousands of years, sacred or intentional Ritual is the gateway to focusing and disciplining our mind through a set of symbolic actions, while contacting the energies of creation, and bringing meaning to our lives. This relationship with the Divine can be as simple as sitting and watching the Sun rise and set or as complex as a moving prayer with dancing, drumming, and singing.

Establishing structure in our lives, rituals can help us heal our psycho-spiritual process, or bond with society’s larger experience by acknowledging our common beliefs, ideals, and goals.

So How Does Ritual Work?

Ritual works with the concept of balancing the yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) principals within a  situation, event, person, or space. In doing so, every ritual must include a representation of these opposing forces. In shamanic cultures this usually happens by connecting to the sky’s, masculine/assertive energy with the earth’s feminine/receptive energy.

Somehow when you bring these two elements together during a sacred ritual, you are also stepping outside of physical reality and the realm of time and space. In this way, we move beyond the ritual’s symbolism by dynamically embodying it. While lingering in this altered state, we mingle with the Divine energies of creation, thus shifting our perception of reality and the present, past or future.

How Can We Heal the Earth with Ritual?

Because ritual intrinsically works with balancing the energies of yin and yang, and allows us to travel across time and space, we can work with ritual to heal the Earth’s traumas in the past, present and future.

We can also learn how to honor the land and celebrate the cycles of life on this planet, be it the seasons, human rites of passage, or other transitional moments, as well as, focusing on the power of gratitude for everything our Earth Mother has shared with us, thus enabling us to bring honor to Her, as well as ourselves.


About the Author… Barbara-Lynn Freed has practiced shamanism for over twenty years and teaches a 3-year shamanic apprenticeship called Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  Visit her website for more information and to sign-up.