Shamanic Meaning: Evergreen Trees

December 2nd, 2012

Winter is really my least favorite time of year.  I prefer warmer times with lush foliage, beautiful flowers and of course my summer vegetable garden.  However I do appreciate the greenery of the Evergreen trees that still have their  needles and leaves.

In ancient times this phenomenon was seen as a symbol of eternal life, and rebirth.  And today our seasonal Christmas Trees echo this once  pagan belief.  In the olden days greenery was brought into the home at Winter Solstice to symbolize life, still present in the dead of winter.


About the Author… Barbara-Lynn Freed has practiced shamanism for over twenty years and offers a 3-year Shamanic apprenticeship entitled Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  Find out more about this worthy program and how to sign-up by visiting her website.

The Benefits of Accepting Personal Responsibility

November 3rd, 2012
Accepting responsibility for your life can be profoundly transformational, as it enables you to live consciously and be in charge of everything that happens to you.

The keys to this enlightened way of life are through self-examination with a commitment to change.

When you take responsibility for all your decisions, mistakes and life situations, you generate freedom from the cycle of blaming others for your problems and becoming a victim.

By harnessing self-awareness, clear perception of who you are and conscious choice, you become empowered to change the course of your life. In this way you can understand your weaknesses, build on your strengths, and make necessary improvements to your character.

By taking full responsibility for all of your actions and non-actions, and by owning all of your personal issues, you will empower yourself and move towards creating a fruitful life.


 About the Author…
 Barbara-Lynn Freed has worked as a Spiritual Healer for over twenty years helping clients heal their core issues, raise their consciousness and develop inner peace.  To find out more about her practice and how to make an appointment visit her website.

Astrology Update: November 2012

November 3rd, 2012

We begin the month with Mercury turning retrograde at 6:04 pm EST on November 6, Election Day, until Nov. 25th. Because Mercury Retrograde is a time of delays and communication screw-ups, it will be very interesting to see how Election Day turns out. The last time this happened during a Presidential vote, Al Gore lost his win to George Bush.

We also have two Eclipses this month. The first one, a Total Solar Eclipse, conjoins the New Moon at  21º 57′ Scorpio, on Nov. 13th at 5:17 pm EST and can only be seen in northern Australia and the southern Pacific Ocean. Hold onto your hats with this very transformative Scorpio Solar Eclipse, as it may portend the restructuring of traditional cultural values, and concepts.

The close aspects of this month’s New Moon support this general outlook. Uranus quincunx Saturn promotes the theme of Freedom vs. Responsibility, helping us to confront authority, overcome restrictive tradition and take the time to effect change in our lives. The North Node conjunct Mercury, along with Neptune squaring the Node/Mercury reflects our struggle to maintain duality. However, Uranus trine Mercury gives us independent thinking outside of the status quo, while Neptune sextile Mars and trine Saturn help us heal, develop clairvoyance, meditation and insight. And finally, Pluto sextile Saturn gives us the opportunity to regenerate society and ourselves through the use of wisdom, discipline and hard work.

The second, a Full Moon, partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on Nov 28th at 9:33 am EST at 6º 40′ Gemini and can be seen in Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, and most of Asia. Communication will be in the forefront with our Gemini Moon, however, being quincunx to Venus, Mars, Saturn and Pluto, our emotions are in for a bumpy ride. Themes here deal with self-approval,  balancing action with consideration for others, and emotional maturity/rigidity. Saturn makes an uncomfortable situation even more so with a quincunx to Uranus, highlighting the theme of freedom vs. responsibility.

With Saturn conjunct Venus we need to be careful not to get down in the dumps. However, duality prevails with six sextiles that help lift us out of our emotional roller coaster.

Moon sextile Uranus helps us let go of the past, while opening to new opportunities, fun and excitement. Mars sextile Venus/Saturn adds harmony, endurance and practicality. Capping it off, hard work and discipline prevail with Pluto sextiling Venus/Saturn also giving us stability through regeneration.

And the Rest…

Neptune goes Direct on Nov 11th bringing in clarity of thought and helping you move forward with your worldly goals.

Venus moves into Scorpio on the 23rd – 17th Dec. heightening our sexual desires, passion and lower emotions in close relationships.

Mars moves into Capricorn Nov 18th – 27th Dec. giving us practicality, discipline along with professional ambition.


About Your Astrologer… Barbara-Lynn Freed has studied and worked with astrology for over thirty years.  Her personal readings specialize in  discovering your Karmic issues, your Evolutionary Goals and your Life’s True Purpose, while helping you to gain insight into how to grow and change within your current life dynamics.  For more information and to have your chart read, see her website.

Pyramids found in Bosnia

November 3rd, 2012
When we think about ancient pyramids the Mayan and Egyptian civilizations usually come to mind, however, did you know that pyramids have been found all over the world? Some of these other sites have been found in Peru, Korea, Central China, Sudan, Canary Islands, Greece, Italy and now Bosnia.

Semir Sam Osmanagich, a world-renowned pyramid expert, who has investigated 300 pyramids worldwide with 50 of them being Mayan, has discovered an ancient pyramid complex in Bosnia composed of five pyramids named the Sun, Moon, Dragon, Earth and Love. Each of them is perfectly aligned with the four Cardinal Directions, with the Pyramid of the Sun perfectly aligned with the North Star.

This discovery has certainly put Bosnia on the map for archeological sites as it boasts the oldest pyramids, the largest underground network of tunnels, and the highest pyramid in the world. Osmanagich even found a stone map at the base of one of the pyramids detailing the landscape of the entire site.

Watch this well-done video of Dr. Osmanagich giving a lecture about his latest discovery at the 2008 Megalithomania Conference in Glastonbury England. It is easy to comprehend and has fantastic pictures of the site excavation including pyramids, the tunnel system, stone spheres found in the area and more.

Don’t Have Time To Watch a Movie?  Click here to see awesome pictures of the Pyramid Complex.  Click on the 1st picture you see then, be sure to check out picture #12 to get an idea of the size of these huge Pyramids.
About the Author… Barbara-Lynn Freed has practiced shamanism for over twenty years and offers a 3-year Shamanic apprenticeship entitled Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  Find out more about this worthy program and how to sign-up by visiting her website.

Astrology Update ~ October 2012

October 2nd, 2012

This month begins with Venus moving into Virgo from 10/4/12 – 10/30/12. Watch out for over analyzing your emotions or being too critical of your loved ones. This would be a good time to retreat into your work or other intellectual pursuits to avoid conflict in relationships.

On the same day, Jupiter turns retrograde until the end of January 2013. This retrograde enables you to review your philosophy of life, where it’s taking you, and shift your consciousness to a higher frequency.

October 5th marks the day when Saturn moves into Scorpio for the next 2 ½ years. This is important because it forms an extremely rare Mutual Reception with Pluto in Capricorn. Because they are in each other’s ruling signs it indicates that a challenge must be overcome before success can be accomplished.

The challenge denoted here, focuses on power struggles between people and government to gain authority, and further unrest in the global economy. However, once these energies are balanced, there is the promise of reorganization of financial structures and government that serves humanity instead of serving itself.

Mars moves into Sagittarius on October 8th and stays there for about six weeks. During this time you can look forward to high energy and the urge to get out of your rut to explore new opportunities and physical terrain. Because this planet/sign combination promotes patriotism, it will be interesting how it affects the upcoming elections and continued world drama.

The New Moon takes place on October 15th, 22º 32’Libra, at 8:02 am EDT. For those of us who live in the Piedmont of North Carolina, our New Moon main event will be a  

Grand Fire Trine with Uranus 5ºAries, trine Mars 5º Sagittarius, trine the Mid Heaven 3º Leo. This will be a great time for achievements in career. Venus sextile Mercury enhances this by giving you grace and skill to thought, speech and writing abilities.

However this may be tempered by the need to assess new information accurately and listen and act on constructive criticism (Jupiter quincunx Mercury). If you are planning a party, be careful not to get carried away with alcohol, since unconscious habit patterns, self-indulgence and deception prevail. (Jupiter square Venus & Mars square Neptune).

On October 29th two significant astrological events occur. The first one has Venus moving into Libra for the next 3½ weeks, however, also squaring Pluto and opposing Uranus for the first week. Watch out for relationship upheavals during this time. As Venus moves away from these two planets, expect your relationships to normalize and gradually relax into understanding the feelings of others, and seeking close, harmonious bonding in romance.

The second event is the Full Moon 6º 48′ Taurus at 3:49pm EDT.  Watch out for this Moon! With a Sun/Saturn conjunction be prepared for hard work to achieve results. Saturn quincunx Uranus challenges us to overcome restrictive traditions, yet accept responsibility for our actions, while Sun quincunx Uranus lends a hand with a tendency to resist conformity, take a stand, yet tolerate the differences of others. Try to stay positive and socialize with others.

And finally, on October 30th, Mercury moves into Sagittarius for the next couple of weeks before it goes Retrograde in November. Sagittarius enables you to see life’s big picture and be interesting in attitudes rather than facts.


About Your Astrologer… Barbara-Lynn Freed has studied and worked with astrology for over thirty years.  Her personal readings specialize in  discovering your Karmic issues, your Evolutionary Goals and your Life’s True Purpose, while helping you to gain insight into how to grow and change within your current life dynamics.  For more information and to have your chart read, visither website.


Mayan Prophecy & Our Shift in Consciousness

October 2nd, 2012

According to the Maya, the December 21, 2012 Sunrise marks the first time in 26,000 years that our Sun, on its ecliptic path, will be in conjunction with the intersection of the Milky Way at our Galactic Center. This alignment forms a Cosmic Cross, and is considered by the Maya to be an embodiment of the Tree of Life, a sacred tree that is remembered globally in all spiritual traditions.

The Maya also say that this alignment opens a portal that allows cosmic energies to flow through the earth, purifying her and all her inhabitants, and raising everything to a higher vibration. The Maya call this the beginning of the  5th Sun or the next World Age. They say that this 5th Sun will be dominated by the influx of Stellar energies, the element of Ether, and changes in the fabric of time.

Mayan Calender


However, like in all astrological phenomena, things don’t just happen, there is always a period of transition before and after an occurrence. And in this case the lead-time has been building for approximately 25 years and creating a subtle, though powerful shift in our consciousness and vibration.

There have been many Planetary Configurations during those 25 years. that have helped the shift to develop, however, since this article is limited in scope, I have selected a few that are either occurring now or will be occurring in the near future that may help you to understand what’s going on.

The New and Full Moons are extremely important as they give us a huge download of Stellar energy every month that helps initiate us into the shift. In the last few months their themes have worked with releasing duality and our old emotional patterns, while helping us to move forward by offering new perceptions of reality.

In Feb. 2012 Neptune moved into Pisces (the sign it rules) and will be there for the next fourteen years. From this we should expect to see the advancement of spiritual awareness, providing more peace in the world, along with many of us developing clairvoyant faculties.

Although Pluto/Uranus remain square to each other until 2015, this year they formed two exact squares on June 24th and September 19th. Squares denote tension and challenge and this configuration is bringing up our core issues to be healed. Pluto is the planet that tears everything down first, and then builds something new from its ashes of destruction. Uranus is a planet that needs unbridled freedom to initiate the new.

Together they are associated with cultural upheaval and change. It’s a time to know how you want to transform your life to move forward. The main message here is go with the flow, and don’t get caught in the undertow. In this way we can ride the wave instead of feeling submerged in fear or resistance.


An Extremely Rare Mutual Reception between Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn forms when Saturn enters Scorpio on October 5th and continues until Christmas Eve 2014.  A Mutual Reception means that two planets are in each others ruling signs, which indicates challenge that must be overcome before success is accomplished.

The challenge denoted here, focuses on power struggles between people and government to gain authority, and further unrest in the global economy. However, once these energies are balanced, there is the promise of reorganization of financial structures and government that serves humanity instead of serving itself.

And finally on Winter Solstice 2012, we have an astrological configuration called a Yod or sometimes named the “Finger of God or Destiny”.  A Yod is comprised of two quincunxes (difficult & awkward aspects) and a sextile (easy flowing aspect), however in a Yod, the difficulties of the quincunxes are transformed into something special. In this case, the Exact configuration of Dec. 21st, 2012, has Pluto at 9 degrees Capricorn & Saturn at 9 degrees Scorpio sextile to each other, while both are quincunx to Jupiter at 9 degrees Gemini. Jupiter is the Apex planet or focal point for these energies.

Generally speaking a Yod entails a choice of two roads, yet not knowing where either one will take you.   Following instinct, we simply find ourselves veering off onto another path and changing the course of our lives.  Although undefined, the new direction has actually been gathering strength for many years. And after activating the Yod, you soon realize that you have a hidden knowledge of how to proceed and be successful.

So it looks like humanity will be able to act on transforming and restructuring its philosophy of life and move forward in a new direction.

Coupled with the Pluto/Saturn mutual reception, the Yod of 2012’s Winter Solstice alludes to a time when we have the power to regenerate ourselves and the world from unrest and chaos through discipline and hard work, while learning to look at situations realistically, release our fears and dogmatic attitudes and move toward new opportunities. This reflects the Mayans view of a time for awakening and moving into a higher state of consciousness.
Although the Sun’s conjunction with our Galactic Center has been widely publicized, most do not know that the Mayan elders and day keepers also say that on the Winter Solstice 2012 our Sun will also be in exact alignment with the Center of the Universe.

Agreeing with the ancient Vedic seers, the Maya feel there exists a massive energetic network that travels throughout the universe and transforms every 13,000 years. Although, Solar, male rays from our Sun, and feminine rays from our Galaxy’s Core are our primary connections to this network, we also receive neutral rays from the Universe via our Galaxy’s Center. According to the Maya, this is a time of transformation for this stellar network.

Earth's magnetic shield

These ideas are also supported by the decrease of both the Earth’s magnetic shielding and our Sun’s Solar Wind and is reflected in NASA’s 2008 report on the increase of  “Space Weather” due to the instability of the Earth’s magnetic shield. NASA also stated that the solar, windshield that protects us from stellar radiation has been decreasing since the 1990’s.  As a result of these phenomena NASA warned that we should expect much stronger geomagnetic storms in the future.   With the increase in Stellar Light coming to the Earth in the form of cosmic and galactic radiation, our planet’s vibrations are moving into a higher frequency, thus catalyzing an evolutionary shift with all life on Earth.


So What Are These Evolutionary Implications?

With the element of Ether (Spirit) coming into focus during the  Fifth Sun, there will be an upliftment of everyone’s energy, enabling us to transform darkness into Light.  As this shift inevitably raises your consciousness, you will learn to live life, as Spirit, without separation between the two, become closer to nature, become sustainable in all facets of your life, and change your perceptions, allowing you to see the sacredness of all life.

Releasing emotional conflict will also become a priority, as well as, taking full responsibility for all of our actions and non-actions. As we change, we will become more Heart Centered, learn from a place of joy, release the drama from our life experience and feel unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness for ourselves and humanity.

And we will also sense a dimensional shift of time and space. Although material form will still persist, our rigid belief system of linear time will be transformed to living in the present moment.  Here, our conditional perceptions, judgments, and reactions will shift to a more enlightened approach, by becoming an observer of life, instead of being emotionally attached to our dramas with people, situations and events. We will achieve a sense of ease, wondrous possibility, and positive thinking. As our higher consciousness develops we will also choose to respond to our environment, instead of reacting to it.

By allowing the new Light frequencies of the Shift to clear away your old emotional debris and thought patterns, you will be transformed into a new State of Being that will magnetize people, opportunities, and circumstances that mirror your new perceptions.


About Your Astrologer… Barbara-Lynn Freed has studied and worked with astrology for over thirty years.  Her personal readings specialize in  discovering your Karmic issues, your Evolutionary Goals and your Life’s True Purpose, while helping you to gain insight into how to grow and change within your current life dynamics.  For more information and to have your chart read, see her website.


Bell Pepper Flower Essence

October 2nd, 2012
This summer I knew my peppers were in trouble when the bees were  ignoring them.  As I surveyed my garden I realized there was simply too much competition from the cucumbers, tomatoes and the huge yellow, squash flowers, for the peppers to be noticed.  If I was going to eat my seasonal vegetable I was going to have to think outside of the box!

I thought to myself “now what are the bees doing to fertilize those flowers?”  Eureka!   Finger pollination to the rescue!  I’m glad I lovingly hand fertilized each flower because this action produced  a bountiful crop of peppers that I am still eating.

When used as a flower essence, Bell Pepper can help to alleviate stress from our lives, while re-balancing our body/soul connection.  It’s also a good choice when you need to relax or develop inner peace.

Trusting Your Inner Authority

October 2nd, 2012
Cultivating self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-acceptance are critical to developing your Inner Authority. When we trust our inner knowing and act accordingly, we begin to align with our Spirit and embrace spiritual growth.

However, this simple action is sometimes difficult to grasp, for as children we are socialized to look outside ourselves for answers. Parents, teachers and advertisements give our lives direction by enticing us to disconnect from our inner guidance.

So How do we find our way home?

Because we are each unique in our needs, what is true for one person may not be true for another. By paying attention to your gut feelings, instincts and what your body is suggesting it wants, the process of uncovering who you are will begin. As you practice and discover what you need and want, you will develop more confidence, wisdom, and harmony in your life.

When we take the time to slow down and contemplate our priorities, we nourish, support and encourage our true nature to shine.   By fostering life-decisions with our Inner Authority, we open ourselves to living consciously, creating our own future and cultivating lasting relationships. We also begin to grow spiritually by aligning with the Divine spark within.


Need help developing your Inner Authority?

Visit my website to schedule an appointment

in my Spiritual Healing practice.

Astrology Update: September 2012

September 4th, 2012

Every Full and New Moon the heavens download us with intense stellar energies that shift our vibrations and open us to new opportunities for growth.

moon image

The New Moon this month falls on September 15th at 10:11 pm (EDT) at 23º 37′ Virgo. With Neptune trine Venus, the name of the game is actualizing your originality and resourcefulness by rejecting old conditioning, while seeking out new adventures in a freedom, loving way. Mercury quincunx Neptune challenges us to inspire others with our visions, to trust our intuition and think more realistically. Jupiter quincunx Mars adds to this by helping us to take risks, and organize our activities.

The Full Moon falls on September 29, at 11:19 pm (EDT) at 7º 22′ Aries, and is probably best spent alone as it will be playing havoc with our emotions. With the Moon conjunct Uranus expect erratic moods and behavior, and having the Sun in opposition to this gives a nervous, high strung, tense, and irritable disposition. Adding to the fray is Pluto squaring Sun and Moon. This intensifies emotions and forces actions in relationships, Mars squaring Venus denotes emotional issues in relationships, and Neptune square Venus, unveils unconscious and Karmic emotional difficulties. This is a good time to also stay away from alcohol, as it will only intensify how you feel.

Uranus/Pluto maintains its near exact square all month and continues forcing us to look at our core issues and work through them to raise our vibration.

 Other dates of note

September 7th: Venus moves into Leo for the next six weeks, which gives us an extra push to enjoy life, but watch out for the drama.

September 17th: Mercury moves into Virgo  (a sign it rules) for the next three weeks inviting in practical reasoning, order, and attention to details.

September 18th: Pluto ends it’s six-month retrograde, helping us to move forward with our transformational projects.

September 22nd: Fall equinox (equal day & night) with the Sun moving into Libra bringing more harmony, sharing, and cooperation into our lives.

September 26th: Grand Air Trine of Jupiter, Moon and Mercury that gives us clear sailing in all realms of communication in most areas of life, expansive imaginations, common sense, and optimistic thinking. This Grand Trine is also a good time to work with legal affairs, or entertain in your home.

Authentic Vulnerability

September 4th, 2012
Most people associate vulnerability with the disadvantage of being defenseless, fragile, weak, and susceptible to emotional pain and suffering. However, this is a misconception, as Authentic or True Vulnerability is really a source of our greatest spiritual strength, integrity and wisdom.

When we have the willingness to step out of our comfort zone to accept challenges, walk toward new experiences, or take risks, we begin to allow vulnerability to enter our lives, and in turn, discover our mental, emotional and spiritual strengths and limitations, while allowing personal growth and life enrichment to occur.

By working with our Heart’s Intelligence and accepting our human frailties we can begin to see that Authentic Vulnerability can open our eyes to new perceptions of life’s circumstances.   For True Vulnerability inherently commands respect, elicits compassion, connects us with the Divine, disarms others and creates a state of Beingess where deeply rooted healing can take place for us and all our relationships.

As we progress along our spiritual path, we begin to honor our inner wisdom more consistently and our ego gives way to true spiritual presence and compassion. Here, where open acceptance and self-responsibility are the norm, our awakened spirit can bath in the state of Authentic Vulnerability and be an open book for all to see.

pink string of hearts