
September 4th, 2012

I’m sure most of you are familiar with the watered down version of Kokopelli that is sold in stores and the Internet as a décor item. But how many of you actually know about his ancient origins and meaning?

As a mythical symbol of the Hohokam people (contemporaries to the Anasazi), the symbol of Kokopelli first appeared as a petroglyph, and later on pottery dating from 750-850AD.

Although the legends and history of Kokopelli vary from tribe to tribe, most agree that he was a Fertility God who brought life to the desert, bountiful crops, the birthing of babes, and plentiful rains.

The sack that Kokopelli always carries on his back has been linked to seeds, and human conception (like our stork). And ancient representations of him were depicted with a large phallus that connected him with marriage rites, fertility, and procreation.

Because the oldest depictions of Kokopelli were a combination of human and insect, he is seen as being Anthropomorphic, and it reflects the origins of his name; “Koko”, kachina or spiritual being, and “pelli”, the insect desert robber fly with a prominent proboscis (elongated sucking mouthpart that is tubular and flexible and looks like a flute), and a rounded back denoting its zealous sexual activities.

Some people interpret his insect-like qualities as shamanic shape-shifting, so that perhaps the original Kokopelli was indeed a shaman who returned to the material world after his flight to other dimensions, bringing back guidance or healing for his tribe.


About the Author… Barbara-Lynn Freed has practiced shamanism for over twenty years and offers a 3-year Shamanic apprenticeship entitled Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  Find out more about this worthy program and how to sign-up by visiting her website.


Ancient kokopelli

Ancient Kokopelli

Shamanic Totem: Bat

September 4th, 2012

What a good omen… the man I just hired for lawn maintenance also had similar esoteric interests!  As I watched out of my kitchen window we were both amazed when a Bat flew right in front of the mower landing on the ground.  With a shovel he picked up the little fellow and gently placed him in the woods bordering my property.


Bat in Flight


The Bat is a powerful shamanic totem as it can signify facing our greatest fears and working through intense tests to change ourselves by releasing aspects of our life that no longer suit us.  The Bat totem tells us that change and transformation are blessings in our lives and come from within ourselves.  Because the Bat totem symbolizes rebirth, it can act as strong medicine promising us hope in the midst of chaos.

If Bat has flown into your life know that no matter how unstable your life my appear to be, the promise of empowerment is on the horizon.


About the Author… Barbara-Lynn Freed has practiced shamanism for over twenty years and offers a 3-year Shamanic apprenticeship entitled Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  Find out more about this worthy program and how to sign-up by visiting her website.


Developing True Compassion

August 24th, 2012
True Compassion develops after we have mastered the art of Forgiveness and learned to Love others unconditionally, for Compassion is an action of the transpersonal self. In this state of Beingness, we do not get entangled in the drama and emotions of the present challenge. Rather, we open our hearts to the people and situations at hand, without emotional attachment to pity, sorrow, or suffering. Anything less, would be either sympathy or empathy.

By sympathizing (being in emotional agreement), or empathizing (feeling another’s emotions or pain), we become part of the problem, instead of part of the solution. For feeling another’s suffering, does not relieve their suffering. Only in a detached state can we truly hold space for that person to heal, or change their life. Practicing true compassion for another often means simply being present with them in silence.

Awakening the Heart!

Like Forgiveness, however, we must first find Compassion for ourselves, before we can truly feel Compassion for others. I learned this from a Tibetan Lama many years ago during a family crisis, where helping out, would have left me devastated emotionally, mentally and psychically. Rinpoche advised me that in this situation, I needed to have Compassion for myself, and that like a good warrior I needed to know when to advance and when to retreat. By following his guidance, I was able to release my feelings of guilt for abandoning my family in a time of need, and later, give them Compassion from afar.

Astrological Update: August 2012

August 1st, 2012

Astrological ZodiacThis August 2012 boasts two Full Moons each with particular significance.  The first at 10°15′ Aquarius on August 1st, 11:27 pm EDT, features a Yod or Finger of God/Destiny. A Yod is formed by two quincunxes (very difficult aspect) and a sextile (easy aspect) that liberates the configuration into a powerful transformative purpose. The planets involved in the first leg are Pluto quincunx Jupiter and the second leg are Pluto quincunx the Sun and Mercury. The sextile is composed of the Sun and Jupiter, making Pluto the apex of this configuration. (an apex is the main drive of a configuration)

This Yod is transforming humanity to accept a new way of Being by:

  • Learning to develop new insights in overcoming challenge constructively
  • Seeing opportunity in uncertainty
  • Releasing obsessive, outmoded, dogmatic, cultural & personal patterns
  • Being charitable to others
  • Living simple and contemplative lives

The New Moon on August 17th, 25° 8′ Leo at 11:54 am EDT, responds to the Full Moon’s energies with a  

Box configuration composed of the South Node square Sun/Moon, square the North Node, square Neptune/Chiron, square the South Node.

This box of squares creates intense challenge, stress and tension as the entire world reels in reaction to the last Full Moon’s energies. We will seem to be out of synch with the flow of reality.

Then on the last day of the month, August 31, the second Full Moon of August at 8° 34′ Pisces, 9:58 am EDT emerges, balancing Heaven’s energy with both a Yod and a Box. The box is formed by the North Node squaring Mercury, squaring the South Node, squaring Neptune/Chiron, squaring the North Node. This configuration primarily deals with miscommunication within society and not understanding what’s going on.

The Yod, comprised of Uranus quincunx the Sun and Mars, and the Sun sextile Mars, tells a completely different story. With Uranus at the apex, releasing traditional patterns through non-conformity and independent action are emphasized. We are encouraged to stop provoking others, tolerate the differences in humanity and resist self-justification. The sextile helps us to use our will for constructive and creative action, cooperation, and to be courageous in the face of danger.

In conclusion, the month of August seems to reflect humanity’s growing pains as they strive for a higher way of Being.  Try and use these energies to catapult yourself into a higher consciousness.


Totem: Caterpillar

August 1st, 2012
Boy! this summer sure has been prolific with caterpillar eggs.  With all this heat I’ve been out watering my vegie and flower gardens early every morning to keep my plants flourishing.  While the hose is on drip at their roots, I search my tomatoes and peppers for signs of predators. And everyday I find a new smattering of eggs that have been laid on those tender leaves.  Working with  the same method  I use to deal with aphids, I simply pluck off the infected leaves and throw them onto the lawn.

With all our inner and global transformation going on right now, perhaps Mother Nature is simply reflecting this through her creature’s activities.  As you may already know, the caterpillar tranforms into a moth or butterfly after a stage of metamorphosis.

So if caterpillar has crawled into your garden of life, make note of the most important issues eating at you, and take the opportunity to find healthy solutions, for Caterpillars message says… whatever is ailing you, smooth sailing is ahead.  Simply take some time to turn inward to reflect and contemplate a viable answer for your current difficulties. In this way you can transform obstacles into a beautiful new way of being.

2012 ~ Ancient Prophecy Fulfilled

August 1st, 2012

This Sept. 20-24 2012, there will be a Summit of all global Native Nations in Green Valley Missouri to begin the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy that calls forth peace and balance with Mother Earth to become a way of life for all peoples and countries.

The elders will travel from all over North, South and Central America and their ceremonies will align with sacred sites throughout the globe.  See the heart whelming  video!http://indigenousnativeamericans.com/


July 2012 Astrological Update

July 3rd, 2012

This month’s Full Moon on July 3rd 12° 14′ Capricorn is a mixed bag of energies where you may feel pulled in a lot of different directions.

Emotions are strong willed with Pluto conjunct the Moon and opposing the Sun.  It’s a time to take risks and let those old emotional patterns die to make way for the new. But watch out for mood swings and exerting too much force in domestic situations.

Uranus adds unpredictability by squaring the Sun and Moon and trining Mars.  There’s added support here to release the old and bring in the new, but you need to be very careful traveling this 4th of July Holiday, as this combination also rules erratic behavior, unwise action, ill health and sudden accidents.

Jupiter mellows out some of this disagreeable energy by conjoining Venus, sextiling Mercury/Uranus and trining Mars. Look for feelings of altruism, optimism, and good karma.

When Uranus retrogrades on July 13th for the next five months, it will be a good time to, become attuned to the Universal Will, and discover deep, hidden insights that heal the past, so when Uranus turns direct on December 13, of this year, you will be better equipped to move forward unimpeded.

A day later, Mercury also retrogrades aiding us further in our inward quest. When this planet turns direct on Aug. 7th, you can resume contract signing and new undertakings.

Then on July 15th until the end of the month, Mars adds its energy to an already volatile Uranus/Pluto square  (Mars opposing Uranus/squaring Pluto). Expect radical change, explosive outbursts, and a conflict between your will and desires.

The New Moon at 26° 55′ Cancer on July 19th rounds out the month. Once again the theme of duality from past new and full moons is present. Saturn is squaring both the Sun and Moon giving rise to obstacles in self-expression in romance and profession, as well as, a lack of vitality and a  predisposition toward depression. However, with Jupiter sextiling Uranus we become more sensitive to new forms of spirituality, prophetic vision, optimism, altruism and unexpected luck. Jupiter also quincunxes Pluto and helps to moderate Saturn by putting things in perspective, analyzing potential and taking advantage of uncertainty.



July 3rd, 2012

The act of Forgiveness helps us to develop and nourish Love in our lives.  Releasing blame and judgment of others is imperative to succeed, for Forgiveness is a spiritual initiative grounded in the humility of accepting that we don’t always need to be right. When we use our emotions or intellect as a rational explanation to forgive, we fail to see the very essence of what we are trying to achieve. Forgiveness being born from the heart, and not from the head, can teach us that we are all reflections of each other. In this way, we use the spiritual energy of Love to assess our relationships by looking for similarities in people, rather than differences.

Book Review: Hans-Peter Hasenfratz’s Barbarian Rites

July 3rd, 2012


I found Barbarian Rites: The Spiritual World of the Vikings and Germanic Tribes written in German by Hans-Peter Hasenfratz, Ph.D.,professor emeritus of religious history, and translated by Michael Moynihan, a fascinating and easy read.

Referring to the Germanic people as speakers of Germanic languages, I found out that it includes everyone in Northern Europe from Russia to Great Britain.  This book thoroughly covers the Germanic people’s migration patterns, Dieties, spirituality, initiations, magic, customs and social orders.

I learned that their culture was not only brutal to foreigners and those they conquered, but also amongst the citizens in their own communities.  Their primal civilization was based upon Odin, God of War, and they took every opportunity to honor Him through the engagement of this type of behavior.

Although Western society prides its self with a foundation built upon knowledge from the ancient Greeks, this book left me wondering how much of our culture is actually inherited from the ways of the ancient Germanic peoples.  Are our leaders  today simply genetically prone to violence? With a love of pillage, rape and slavery the Vikings and Germanic tribes ruled their world well.  Yet, today, western corporations and governments still exhibit a different, yet similar type of behavior with third world nations and nature.

If you have ever been intrigued about the Vikings and their way of life, this book is a must.  It will certainly be a keeper for my professional library for a long time to come.


About the Author…
 Barbara-Lynn Freed has over twenty years experience in Shamanism and teaches a 3 year Shamanic apprenticeship called Resurrecting the Old Ways:  Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship.  To find out more about this program and how to sign-up visit her website.

Totems: Ant

July 3rd, 2012

A few weeks ago when I spotted ants on my tomatoes I knew it was a sign that they were probably exploiting my beautiful plants by turning them into an aphid farm.  Sure enough when I carefully looked under my plant’s leaves, I found several that were inundated with aphids and eggs.

I ‘ve always found the easiest way to deal with aphids is to simply pluck off the infested leaves, and then search for egg casings/aphids and also pick them off by hand.  No need for messy and toxic sprays if you follow my advise.  But don’t forget to follow-up every day with a thorough search for more invading pests and your tomatoes will have a delightful rebound.

Ants have been long noted as being industrious, ordered and disciplined, and thus achieving monumental tasks.  They are incredible architects by building complex homes for their community to thrive in.

If Ants have invaded your space they may want to teach you how to become an architect of your own life by constructing your dreams into reality through persistence and patience.

Ask yourself:  Are you in a rush to complete a task, or neglecting to build a firm life foundation?  Are you making things more difficult than they need to be?  If so, move over and let Ant show you the way.