Essential Oil: Fragonia

August 10th, 2013

Back in 2006 while attending NAHA’s (National Assoc. of Holistic Aromatherapists) last International Conference, we were each given a small sniffing sample of an extremely new essential oil from Australia. It smelled heavenly and I could hardly wait until it became available on the open market. Now, several years later I have finally procured a bottle to use in some of my blends.

Unlike most essential oils from Australia, Fragonia was not traditionally used by the indigenous population. Instead it was discovered and researched by John and Petra Day and then grown commercially by them on their small farm.



Truly a product of the New Age, Fragonia has a unique chemotype that is based on the Golden Proportion. (5:8 ratio) This is very rare because most essential oil chemical structures are dominated by one or two chemical components.

Because of this rare balance within Fragonia John and Petra feel that it’s here to help bring in the new paradigm of unity, peace and higher consciousness, by working in synergy with our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Phyically,  Fragonia works as an excellent Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-viral (for colds, sore throat), Anti-inflammatory, an expectorant, analgesic and immune stimulant. It also has a pleasant fragrance, absorbs readily and is gentle on your skin.

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Going Green with Labeling

March 11th, 2013
Natural vs. Naturally Derived
At one time or another, you’ve all tried to decipher the labeling of your favorite   cosmetic product, only to leave scratching your head and wondering what it all means. By not giving us clear guidelines on what Natural and Naturally Derived means, I think this industry likes to fool us into thinking we are getting something we are not. So here’s the scoop for those of you who are still confused.
Natural products are raw ingredients from nature that have been expressed or extracted from their natural source. Some good examples of these ingredients are vegetable oils, butters, essential oils, hydrosols, clays, and herbs.
Naturally Derived ingredients begin their journey as a natural substance, but then are altered by a chemical reaction created by using synthetics or other natural ingredients.
Two good examples of this process are sodium lauryl sulfate (known to cause irritation) and castile soap. As you can see, Naturally Derived products include a wide range of substances, some harmful to your skin and others that are much more gentle.

The key here is to care what you are using on your body and to know your ingredients. Choosing the purity of a product is certainly a personal one, however my rule of thumb says, if it’s not good enough to eat, I don’t want it on my skin either. That is why all of the creams and oils I sell are always made from organic, Natural ingredients.


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Natural, organic Aromatherapy Products


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Cinnamon: Health Benefits

December 2nd, 2012

Long before I knew of the many healing properties of Cinnamon, I decided it was one of my favorite spices and seasoned many of my daily foods with it such as my morning breakfast coffee, toast, cereal, oatmeal, or pancakes. It’s also incredibly good on dinner foods such as spaghetti sauce, winter squash and sweet potatoes, and of course deserts like hot chocolate, pudding, and applesauce.

Used since ancient times as medicine, flavoring and as an embalming agent, Cinnamon contains a hefty dose of calcium, manganese, iron and fiber.

Modern research has shown that the common grocery store variety of Cinnamon has the most healing properties. However, Cinnamon can also be used as an essential oil as it has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, astringent, anti-clotting, stimulating, cooling, and has carminative properties. A word of caution though to anyone working with this essential oil!  Cinnamon Oil can be highly irritating to your skin and mucous membranes, so always dilute it, use with caution and never ingest it.


Cinnamon’s Many Benefits 

  • Boosting Brain Activity & Memory
  • Blood Purification
  • Blood Circulation
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Blood Sugar Regulation
  • Antiseptic properties
  • Mouth freshener
  • Digestive Aid
  • Improves Colon Health
  • Reduces Blood Platelet clumping
  • Reduces Blood Pressure

So the next time you sit down to eat your favorite dish, don’t forget the cinnamon!

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Scrubbing Can Be Dangerous for the Environment

December 2nd, 2012

I’m sure at one time or another we’ve all used a commercial scrub in the shower or bath, but did you know that most scrubs contain micro-plastics (smaller than 1 millimeter) that are dangerous to our waterways?

Because plastics are not biodegradable, are not filtered out in water treatment plants, and only broken down into smaller pieces by the sun, they wind up in our rivers, creeks and eventually flow out to sea becoming toxic food for life living there.

Does your present product have micro-plastics included in its ingredients? If the ingredients list polyethylene or polystyrene it does.

The good news though, is that there are environmentally friendly scrubs on the market that contain natural materials like walnut hulls, rice, ground fruit pits, and oatmeal that can get the job done just as efficiently.


Buy My Seasonal Special! 

Exfoliating Grapefruit Glow 


 My Own gentle facial scrub is made with Jojoba Beads, to rub away dead skin cells, helping your skin feel silky and smooth.


Extraordinary Ingredients

Water, Seaweed Extract, Vegetable Glycerin, jojoba beads, Biodynamically grown Herbal Infusions of Chamomile, Rosebud, Lavender, Calendula Blossoms, Hops & Comfrey Leaf, Organic Aloe Vera Gel, Organic High Oleic Safflower Oil & Jojoba Seed, Organic Bulgarian Rose Water, Zanthan Gum, Oils of Wheat Germ & Olive Squalane, Organic & Wildcrafted Essential Oils of Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Palmarosea, Peppermint & Green Myrtle, Vitamins A, C, E, Sage & Rosemary Antioxidants, Grapefruit Seed Extract.


Only   $11 1oz.       $40, 4oz  

While Supplies Last!


Call (919) 942-7754 or email me today at

 (not available on my website)


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Essential Oil Carrier: Honey

September 4th, 2012
Most of us know that essential oil blends need a carrier oil like almond or golden jojoba for safe delivery, but did you know that unprocessed, Raw Honey may be used as well? This handy substance has been used for thousands of years in healing skin ointments.

Packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, phytonutrients and antioxidants, Honey has it’s own healing properties that enable wounds, and scrapes to heal quickly and develop healthy tissue granulation. It will keep the skin moist, prevent scarring, and allow bandages to be removed easily.

It is important however to only work with Raw Honey, as heating it will destroy it’s antibacterial properties, along with its essential nutrients. You may want to experiment with different types of honey, for like essential oils, its potency varies according to climate and plant varieties the bees have worked. Manuka honey from New Zealand and Australia claims to have the highest antibacterial properties.

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Revitalizing Aging Skin

July 3rd, 2012

We have all noticed changes in our skin quality as we have aged, yet you may be wondering what we can do to keep it looking vital and healthy as long as possible.  Eating healthy, organic foods and exercising are both obvious ways of doing this, however I’d like to share two things you may not know of.

The first is Dry Skin Brushing. This daily routine will stimulate and detoxify your skin by sloughing off dead skin cells, while also increasing blood flow. Dry Skin Brushing can also smooth, tone/tighten your skin, even out fat deposits, reducing cellulite, revitalize your lymph and nervous systems and help your skin absorb nutrients.

To include this practice in your daily life, simply purchase a natural sisal brush at your local health food store. When skin brushing always start at your extremities and move toward your heart with straight or circular strokes, carefully avoiding rashes or other irritations/wounds. When completed take a shower to wash away your skin debris.

Another affective way of detoxifying your skin is to use a Lymphatic Oil. Often times, especially in women we can see an “orange peel” skin on thighs, buttocks, and the upper arms and breast area that denotes a sluggish lymph system, an unpleasant appearance, and in time, a deficient immune system.

By targeting these affected areas with a Lymphatic Oil, your lymph will be quickly stimulated, allowing proper flow and detoxification. You can purchase Lymphatic Oil on my website under First Aid Aromatherapy Products for only $17 an oz.


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Subtle Aromatherapy & Flower Essences

April 4th, 2010

There’s a rumor out there that flower essences and aromatherapy don’t mix well together.  They say that somehow the aromatherapy scents will destroy the delicate vibrational remedies.  Maybe  this happens with people who believe it, but it’s never happened to any blend I’ve created, using both modalities at he same time.  My guidance in the matter, has always been to blend the essential oils first, then add the carrier oil or water, and then add the flower essences.  After which, I allow everything to intermingle for several hours and become one.

Some of you may be wondering what the dickens is a flower essence?? In short, this is a vibrational remedy.  It is created by picking the organic flower of  your choice, putting it in a bowl of water and then setting the bowl of water out in the sunlight for several hours.  The sun, with it’s life giving energies, infuses the flower’s essence or vibration in the water.  We then call this the Mother Essence.  Stock bottles are made in homeopathic style, by taking 3-7 drops of the Mother Essence, and dropping them into a 1 oz. bottle, and adding distilled water.  Dosage bottles are made in the same fashion, by dropping 3-7 drops of the stock essence into another bottle (1 oz. – 1/3 oz.), and filling the bottle with distilled water.  Some companies you can experiment with are:  Bach Flower Remedies, Flower Essence Society, Desert Essence, Perelandra, Pegasus, and Green Hope Farms.

Flower essences work under the guises of the Doctrine of Signatures.  Meaning that each flower resonates to a different emotional issue that we may have.  In the beginning, flower essences were only made to help us heal emotional distress, in it’s many forms.  However, as flower essences became more popular, many remedies were created to help with our spiritual awakening, as well.

I’ve been working with flower essences for over 20 years and have accumulated over 200 bottles in the interim.  And I do use them whenever I blend a subtle aromatherapy formula.  I have always found this double wammy of potency, makes a far superior product.

You may have noticed, however, for pets I only use flower essences in a number of products. This is because flower essences, unlike essential oils, can be used with  all animals without side effects.  Essential oil blends can be toxic to cats, and a little over powering to birds as well.  Much of my research on this subject has also revealed that it is always wise to let your pet smell the essential oil blend first to see if they like it.  We must remember and honor that animals are way more sensitive about scents than we are.

What have your experiences been, with combining aromatherapy & flower essences?

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Subtle Aromatherapy and Meditation

March 20th, 2010

The hook for most of us to meditate, is that it can help us to reduce the stress that we create in our hectic day to day lives.  And if this is your primary focus for meditation, aromatherapy can certainly help with calming essential oils like  lavender, rose, or chamomile.  As we breathe these oils in we can feel ourselves relax, and move into a better mood.

That’s great!, but how does it work? When we inhale essential oils, whether by diffuser, or in a blend, we trigger thousands of olfactory nerve cells in our nose, that carries the scent directly to our olfactory bulb, located to the back of our nose.  The nerve endings of the olfactory bulb, then send the scent directly to our limbic brain, that houses such instincts as our memories, emotions, sex drive, hunger, and pleasure.  That is why some scents  can remind us of  long ago memories, shift our moods, or be considered aphrodisiacs.

However, relaxation is only a side-effect of meditation.  The true reason to meditate is to gain a higher consciousness.  And if this is your goal,  Subtle Aromatherapy is a great way to access and enhance your deeper meditation skills.  Sandalwood for instance, has a long history in India, Tibet and China of bringing one into higher states of consciousness, by stilling the mind of it’s incessant chatter, while calming and toning the nervous system.  Sandalwood also has a subtle grounding affect , so it is related to the crown and base chakras.  Unfortunately, these days, we cannot work with the infamous Mysore Sandalwood, since the tree is almost extinct.  Due to unsustainable harvesting practices in India, obtaining Mysore Sandalwood legally, is nearly impossible.  However, Australian Sandalwood is a good substitute.

Known since ancient times, Frankincense has been used spiritually in the Middle East, Greek, and Roman civilizations.  Egyptians, Jews, and Romans alike have burned it in their ceremonies and rituals.  Frankincense is known to  profoundly affect us spiritually and psychologically, by stilling the mind, calming our central nervous systems, and helping us to break free from mundane attachment.  Frankincense is also subtly grounding.  It opens the crown chakra, balances the third eye, and connects us to the earth through our base chakra.

Another excellent aid in reaching higher consciousness in meditation is Lotus Attar. Seen as a sacred flower for millenia, it has been put on Hindu, Buddhist and Egyptian alters as offerings to the Gods.   Opening our Crown chakra, Lotus attar will help us to transcend our earthly bonds and experience our Divinity.  It has beeen seen as a symbol for spiritual enlightenment, and it’s purpose is to accelerate our spiritual evolvement.  Relaxing and euphoric, it’s a must for anyone wanting to enhance their meditations.  There are three different colors of Lotus, pink, white and blue;  each containing it’s own subtlety of scent and function.  When Attars are made, the essential oils are infused in odorless sandalwood during or directly after the distillation process. As a fixative, sandalwood helps to expand the bouquet and creates a long lasting scent.  So whether you inhale or anoint, you can benefit from the affects of lotus and sandalwood, in Lotus Attar.

Tell us about your experiences with Subtle Aromatherapy and Meditation!

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Subtle Aromatherapy: Our Hidden Anatomy

March 11th, 2010

For the person who is mainly physically oriented, subtle aromatherapy may be hard to grasp, because it is dealing with parts of ourselves that most of us cannot touch or see.  Although this category can include working with our mental and emotional aspects of life, it also includes affecting our energetic system, that is hidden from normal eyesight and our other senses.   Our energetic system is comprised of the Auric fields, chakras, and meridians, and these in turn interface with our endocrine system, and organs.  What happens to our energetic system affects our physical systems and vise versa. Everything is interrelated.

The auric field is a complex network of energy threads, like fibers of a feather, that forms a luminous egg around each of us.   And this auric field is composed of different layers that correspond to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.  So that when we work with subtle aromatherapy within the auric field, it can affect us on all of these levels.

The auric field is connected to our chakras.  These are spinning vortexes of energy; each one spinning at a different frequency.  They are places where prana (life force) can easily enter or leave our bodies.  The upper ones (5-7) work with regulating cosmic energies and the lower ones (1-3),  regulate how we work with the earth energies, or grounding.  The Heart Chakra or midpoint of the two, is the place where earth and spirit come together through emotion, love, and compassion.  Each chakra is directly affiliated with a specific endocrine gland and organ.

Our meridians run vertically (top to bottom) and also interface with the chakras.  They are like energetic veins and arteries.  Instead of carrying blood, they allow our life force energy to flow and circulate within the entire energetic system.  All of which is vital to our health.  This is why acupuncture is such a dynamic and important therapy; it works with the meridians to maintain balance and harmony in our bodies.

When we work with our energetic system through subtle aromatherapy, we have the capability of dynamically shifting our moods, perceptions and consciousness.  I am continually amazed at how quickly someone’s chakra energy responds when I manually massage it with an essential oil. Typically,  when there is a blockage in the heart chakra, I put a very small amount of rose essential oil, (1 drop), on a finger, rub my fingers together, then let the person smell the rose essential oil, and finally cup my hands over the heart chakra.  Immediately, I sense a release of old, stuck, energy.  Formulas can also be blended specifically to do many things with our chakras, including opening and balancing them.  And I have done just that with my Aromatherapy Celebrations! Chakra Oil Set.

Still confused?  Or want more information?  Just drop me a comment.   I’ll be happy to fill in the details!

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Subtle Aromatherapay: An Overview

March 8th, 2010

Other than being an aromatherapist, I also have an 18 year old spiritual healing practice, where I use aromatherapy and other vibrational therapies with my clients.  In the previous entries, I have mostly focused on the physical properties of carrier and essential oils and how to use them.  In this next category, we will go beyond the physical and delve into our “hidden anatomy” and how we can work with aromatherapy to heal it.

Essential oils are very complex Beings.  Each is composed of  200-500 different chemical components.  And it’s this complexity, that allows  them to work with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions.  However, you can only find this complexity with top notch essential oils.  That is why it is imperative in subtle aromatherapy that you only work with high quality oils.

Most of the information about subtle aromatherapy comes from the ancient past, through the writings of mystics, alchemists, fables, folklore, legend and myth.   However, like the shaman, we too can glean information about subtle aromatherapy by getting in touch with the plant’s essence or spirit.  In this way, the plant itself, can tell us what the best uses of it’s essential oil can be.  It is through our own experimentation and experience, however, that we truly learn about the gift of subtle aromatherapy.

There are many facets of subtle aromatherapy.  The most common being, how essential  oils affect our subtle bodies, and help in our meditations, that  includes affirmations, visualizations, and other transformative techniques for inner work.  Subtle aromatherapy can also be applied when doing planetary healing, absent healing, ceremony and ritual.  And we can combine this technique with other vibrational therapies, such as color, flower essences and sound.

So, join me as we take a left hand turn from the physical attributes of carrier oils, to learn some unique ways of working with essential oils through subtle aromatherapy.

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