Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Camellia

February 24th, 2010

Camellia Seed Oil is sometimes called “Tea Seed Oil” because it comes from the same plant that gives us Green, White and Black teas.  Green tea, touted for it’s high anti-oxidant content, is simply a mirror for the Camellia plant’s, remarkable seed oil, that has huge quantities of Vitamin E, and high quantities of Omega’s 3, 6, and 9.   In aromatherapy, these anti-oxidants revitalize and rejuvenate the hair and skin.

Native to Japan and China, Tea Seed Oil, is used extensively in cooking, especially in China’s southern provinces.  Because it has a rather high smoke point, it has been traditionally used in sauteing and frying, as well as non-cooked food, such as salad dressings, dips, marinades and sauces.  Having a molecular composition  similar to that of olive oil, it is also very healthy to eat.  Diverse in it’s applications, Camellia oil can also protect wood working tools from rusting.  It’s color ranges from pale amber green to a pale or golden yellow.  Camellia oil is usually cold pressed, and it’s scent is mildly sweet and herbal.  It will keep fresh for 1-2 years properly stored in the refrigerator.

As an aromatherapy carrier oil, camellia is prized for it’s moisturizing and rejuvenating properties.  Commercially, you can find it in facial creams and serums to diminish fine lines and wrinkles, and improve acne, cosmetics, sun care, after-shave and baby products, and hair conditioners.  Penetrating easily and deeply, Camellia seed oil will protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays, maintain a healthy Ph, reduce and heal scars, promote hair growth and condition your scalp.   If you are working with it, the standard dilution is 2-10%.

I look forward to creating a sunblock product in the future made with Camellia Seed and Meadowfoam  Oils.

Let us know about your experiences with Aromatherapy Carrier Oil:  Camellia!

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Meadowfoam

February 19th, 2010

Meadowfoam is one of those lesser known carrier oils that I’ve been hearing about for quite some time, but haven’t had the time or money to check out.  Now that I’ve done further research on it, this carrier oil will surely be placed in my refrigerator soon.

Meadowfoam’s name is derived by the way it looks on the ground when blooming.  It is native to the coastal regions of western North America, and grows in it’s marshy landscapes.  Like Golden Jojoba, it became popular in the 1970’s, after sperm whaling was banned, because it can be chemically transformed into a liquid wax ester that many industry’s can use.  Most of the Meadowfoam available is solvent extracted from crushed seeds or “nutlets”.  However, I found a company, Natural Plant Products, Inc, that sells a cold pressed Meadowfoam oil.  They simply crush the seeds and filter them.  Although, they only sell to distributers, those of us in the US who need small quantities, can buy it from Essential This cold pressed product meets the standards for EcoCert, non-organic certification.

Meadowfoam is structured differently than other carrier oils in that it has 98% fatty acid composition and lacks many of the polyunsaturated fatty acids that can oxidized easily.  It also has a very high Vitamin E content, and  because of this, Meadowfoam aromatherapy carrier oil has a long shelf life of 2-3 years.  Although you can store this oil at room temperature, refrigeration will keep it freshest.

In aromatherapy, we can use this versatile oil in all of our skincare, cosmetic, and haircare products.  Because it adheres easily to the skin and hair, Meadowfoam is a great moisturizer for dry skin and dry or damaged hair.  This oil also penetrates the skin easily, leaving a smooth silky feel.  Incredibly, Meadowfoam also will give you UV protection too!  Aside from these factors, I would welcome Meadowfoam in any of my skincare formulas, as it blends well with other carriers, will extend the shelf life of the product, and will help retain the product’s scent.

Tell us about your experiences with Aromatherapy Carrier Oil:  Meadowfoam!

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Sea Buckthorn

February 12th, 2010

Although Sea Buckthorn’s use dates back thousands of years to the indiginous people’s of Siberia and China, it has  only recently been discovered by modern man.  Historically it was taken internally for nourishment and used externally to treat burns, circulation, wounds, and skin issues.  This yellow colored berry is jammed packed with nutrients.  Not only does it contain a perfect ratio of Omega 3 and 6,  it also composed of 35% Omega 7, and large amounts of Vitamins  C, A, E, B2, B1, F, K and P.  Thanks to the huge amount of Vitamin E, Sea Buckthorn aromatherapy carrier oil has an extra long shelf life of five years.

This plant survives well in extreme cold and recently companies in Canada have begun to grow it as a cash crop.  These days, you need to make sure that your Sea Buckthorn is not a product of China, for these plants will not contain much Vitamin E or C.  Although the seeds and pulp both have nutrients, they are of a different quality and quantity.  If you are using this aromatherapy carrier oil for skin care, make sure it has been extracted from the pulp.

For those of you who like to put more of everything in your blends, take warning!  Only use a 1% dilution of Sea Buckthorn, Carrier Oil in your formulas.  The high beta carotene content will turn your skin a bronze color. With this  dilution, you can Sea Buckthorn aromatherapy carrier oil as an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling, and flush wounds.   It can also be used in skin rejuvenation and accelerated healing for eczema, acne, rosacea, acne scars, stretch marks, bedsores, heat or radiation burns, sunburn, skin ulcers, wrinkles and dry skin.   When taken internally as a food supplement, it has been known to strengthen blood vessels and cell walls and improve circulation.

Aromatherapy Celebrations! Neroli Facial Cream contains Sea Buckthorn.

Tell us about your experiences with Sea Buckthorn aromatherapy carrier oil!

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Avocado

February 6th, 2010

I’ve always enjoyed taking guacamole (avocado dip) to summer parties.  You can make it easily by mashing the yellow green pulp and putting additives in such as garlic, salsa, curry, or tamari.  Everyone loves the rich, creamy texture, and the way it adheres to their chips.  What I didn’t know is that the common, egg shaped, avocado is a power house of vitamins and minerals, and similar to olive oil in it’s ratio of saturated and unsaturated fats. Did you know that an avocado is 60% richer in potassium than a banana, and has a high quantity of  the B vitamins, vitamin E and K?  It is also blessed with Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium phosphorus,  zinc and a high fiber content.

Avocados are also popular because you can use them as a science project for your kids.  Just put  an avocado pit in a glass of water and watch it grow!  However, you want to make sure your pets don’t get curious about why this plant is getting all the attention.  Avocado plants; their leaves, bark, skin and pits are toxic to animals.  Although the avocado is easily grown from seed, commercial growers do not propagate their trees in this manner.  Instead, they use grafting and rootstocks, because this way yields a clone of it’s parent and produces fruit much faster.

The avocado appears to be very ancient.  The oldest remnants, dated at 10,000 years, have been traced to a cave in Coxcaltan, Mexico.  The Aztecs called it the “fertility fruit”, and it’s name in Nahuatl means testicle.  This unusual plant has flowers that bloom in the morning as one sex, close and then later in the day they open as the opposite sex.  And their crop bearing seems to run with the same theme of yin and yang.  (One year is bountiful and the next year is scanty)  Perhaps the Indians used the avocado in some way during their fertility rituals.

Native to the warm, humid climates of the Caribbean, Mexico, South and Central America, the Avocado is now also grown in drier climates of California and New Mexico.  Although Mexico is the largest producer of avocados, most of the ones we eat in the US, are grown in our own country.

Avocado as an aromatherapy carrier oil is noted for its regeneration and rejuvenation properties of the skin.  High in sterolins, it will heal age spots, sun damage and diminish scaring.  Avocado oil has also been shown to increase the skin’s collagen, making it a great oil for mature skin.  It is easily deeply absorbed  and has excellent emollient properties.  Use this aromatherapy carrier oil as a moisturizer to diminish wrinkles and heal, eczema, psoriasis, dry, dehydrated or undernourished skin.

Try Aromatherapy Celebrations! Neroli Facial Cream.  It contains Avocado oil!

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Borage

January 30th, 2010

Several years ago I grew Borage in my vegetable garden.  I was amazed at how fast and large the plant became in just a short amount of time.  I enjoyed eating the lovely, small, blue Borage flowers in my salads all summer, and watching the bees drink its precious nectar.  To my dismay, however,  my wonderful salad plant was also an enormous water guzzler.  And because of that,  I would never grow it again.

Borage oil, officially called Borago Officinalis, has the highest amount of (GLA) Gamma Linolenic Acid (Omega 6) of any other oil, usually around 25%.  Other fatty acids include, 15% omega 9, 38% other omega 6’s, and less than 1% Omega 3.  Because this is a fairly expensive oil, and it leaves a somewhat oily feel on the skin, it is recommended that it be used in a 10% dilution with other aromatherapy carrier oils.  Cold pressed from seeds, Borage oil’s aroma is sweet and light, and is light yellow in color.  Although Borage oil’s texture is thin to medium, it penetrates the skin easily.  It needs to be refrigerated and kept away from light, as this aromatherapy carrier oil, will go rancid easily.  With proper storage however, it should keep from 6-12 months.

Borage Oil can be taken internally for a number of maladies.  However, for aromatherapy purposes, it is usually used for it’s anti-inflammatory properties.  External application works well for swollen and painful joints, and atopic dermatitis, such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, and wrinkles.

Let us know about your experiences with Borage Oil!

Try Aromatherapy Celebrations! Rejuvenating Facial Oil with Borage Oil.

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Argan

January 21st, 2010

Ancient Argan Oil has survived since the Tertiary period (65-2,588 million years ago!), only to almost become extinct in our time, due to over grazing by goats, chopping down of trees for firewood and long, extended periods of drought.  However, UNESCO and the cooperation of the Moroccan Government have saved the day!  Together they have created a reforestation project and developed a women’s cooperative that produces Fair-Trade Argan Oil.  Money from the sales of Argan Oil are used for health care and women’s education.   And this in turn this supports their entire community.  I think this is the only aromatherapy Argan Oil which is exported.

Argan oil has been prized by the Berbers for hundreds of years for it’s cooking, medicinal and cosmetic properties.  Traditionally, undigested Argan pits were collected from goat poop, ground into a paste, and then pressed for oil.  Today, of course, it’s more sanitary.  Machines harvest and press the pits for oil and  solvent extraction is used for laboratory use.  Aromatherapy Argan oil is rich in Vitamin E, Phenols, Carotene, Squalene, and unsaturated fatty acids (80%).  A break down of percentages for fatty acids follows:  Palmitic 12%, Stearic 6%, Oliec 42.8%, Linoleic 36.8%, and Linolenic .5%.

For cooking, Argan kernels are roasted, bringing out their nutty taste.  However, for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the seeds need to be kept raw.   Argan carrier oil is great for dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, diminishing wrinkles and scar tissue, moisturizing, softening skin, strengthening nails and repairing your hair’s split ends. It penetrates the skin easily, without leaving an oily residue.   This oil has better storage properties than olive oil and will keep for 12-18 months.  However, all this comes with a price.  Argan carrier oil is usually very expensive.  I’ve seen it as high as $50/oz.  However, I have found a site that sells a wide variety of Argan products (both roasted and raw), at a reasonable cost.  And organic to boot!  It is

Let us know about your experiences with this uncommon carrier oil!

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Hazelnut

January 14th, 2010

Hazelnuts become ripe seven to eight months after pollination.  The nuts are used as culinary delights by eating them raw, roasted, or ground into a paste.  Hazelnuts can also be cold pressed for aromatherapy.    However you use them, your body will love their rich nutritional content.  They contain proteins, 9% saturated fat, 74% oleic acid (omega 9), 17% linoleic acid (omega 6), a very slight amount of omega 3,  significant amounts of thiamine, smaller amounts of Vitamin B6, other B vitamins, Vitamin E, minerals, and other antioxidant properties.

There is evidence on the isle of Colonsay, Scotland that Hazelnuts have been eaten since the Mesolithic era of 9,000 years ago.  Today, Turkey is the world’s largest producer of Hazelnuts, although they are grown in Europe, and the USA (Oregon and Washington).    Because Hazelnut refers to any species of the genus Corylus, we must not confuse Hazelnuts with their cousins the Filbert.  Although a look a like, the Filbert is usually, larger and more oval in shape.

Hazelnut Carrier Oil is great for any kind of skin treatment, especially facial oils.  It’s slightly astringent properties, help it to absorb quickly into the skin, without leaving an oily residue.  It nourishes the skin, helps to strengthen capillaries, encourages cell regeneration, stimulates circulation, and is a good sun screen.  Hazelnut carrier oil can be used with all skin types in aromatherapy, but is especially well suited for oily, acne prone skin.  It is gentle,  tonifying, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing.  It’s fine texture will leave your skin feeling smooth and silky.  I use hazelnut carrier oil in the Rejuvenating Facial Oil I sell on

Hazelnut Oil’s aroma is light, although nutty and sweet.  It’s color is yellow and texture thin.  Like most carrier oils, it is sensitive to heat and light and is best stored in the refrigerator to ensure that it does not go rancid.  In recommended storage conditions, it should keep for 12 months.

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Rose Hip Seed Oil

January 8th, 2010

Rose Hip Seed Oil or as it is sometimes called, Rosa Mosqueta, is usually cold pressed from the seeds of a wild rose bush that grows in the Southern Andes  (Peru, Chili, and Argentina).  Although it was used by the indigenous peoples for hundreds of years, it has only been sanctified by science since 1983.

This aromatherapy carrier oil is chock full of nutrients.  It contains Retinal A, a high content of vitamin C, essential fatty acids of Omega 6 and 3, carotenoids, and flavonoids.  Rose Hip Seed Oil has a rich amber/orange color and a slightly fishy odor.  If refrigerated, it’s shelf life will be about twelve months.  It is very susceptible to heat and light fluctuations, so keep this in mind when storing it.

Rose Hip Seed Oil soaks into your skin easily without any greasy residue and is a wonderful moisturizer.  It can be used straight out of the bottle, or blended with other aromatherapy carriers in facial oils, creams, lotions, or massage oils.  Rose Hip Seed Oil’s gentleness and Ph of 5.1 makes it perfect for direct application to your hair, scalp or skin.

This aromatherapy carrier oil has many uses.  It is frequently used for healing dermatitis such as eczema, acne or psoriasis, and can also be used to heal burned skin from radiation and the sun.  Rose Hip Seed oil is  good for diminishing fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, and age spots.  It’s great for skin rejuvenation as it helps to increase skin elastin and collagen.  It’s also a good addition to nail and hair treatments, as it helps to heal brittle nails and split ends.  Put this incredible oil on at night while you sleep and you will truly get your beauty rest.  Rose Hip Seed Oil is one of the carrier oils used in my Rejuvenating Facial Oil, sold on

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Golden Jojoba

December 31st, 2009

Although Jojoba has been used for thousands of years by indigenous tribes, it became popular in our culture in the 1970’s when whaling was banned.  Apparently, Jojoba has very similar properties to the prized oil of sperm whales.

There is a lot of  misinformation about Jojoba in aromatherapy.  Many people believe that it will clog your pores.  And I must admit I was quite confused, and avoided working with Jojoba until I did my own research on the subject.  What I found out is this.  Like everything else out there, there are several different grades of Jojoba.  The first pressing, and the best grade is Golden Jojoba.  It is so named because it is naturally golden in color.  This first pressing of the Jojoba bean will not clog your pores.  However, many in the industry will then, through solvent extraction, take those same beans and extract the remaining residue of Jojoba.  Often this residue will then be processed further and bleached.  Of course when this occurs, all of the healing properties are also removed and yes, processed Jojoba will clog your pores.  Sometimes yellow colorant will be added back into the product to make it look like the real deal.  So Buyer Beware! Know your supplier!  Golden Jojoba is more expensive than processed Jojoba, so as the adage says, You Get What You Pay For!

Golden Jojoba carrier is high in Vitamin E and has the same Ph as our skin.  It helps to balance our sebum (regulates dryness or oiliness of skin), and is great moisturizer.  It is also known to have beneficial effects on our collagen, general skin health and to clear blemishes and acne. It’s good for all skin types, but especially, aging, mature skin, for it helps diminish fine lines and wrinkles. Aside from Vitamin E, Golden Jojoba contains proteins, minerals and myristic acid which is an anti-inflammatory.  Golden Jojoba’s moisturizing properties are also beneficial for our hair, helping to repair split ends and tangles.

Because Golden Jojoba is not really an oil, but rather a wax, it has the added advantage of not staining fabric.   It penetrates skin quickly and feels smooth and silky, and non-greasy when applied.  And yes, it will stay fresh a long time; up to two years.  I use Golden Jojoba in all my everyday aromatherapy formulas, because I feel confident my products will not go rancid before or after they are purchased.

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Aromatherapy Carrier Oil: Macadamia Nut

December 24th, 2009

Packed with a high nutritional content, Macadamia nuts were eaten by the Australian Aborigines for thousands of years to supplement their diet.  Macadamia nuts have the highest amount of monounsaturated fat of any nut, (22% Omega 7, plus omega 6 and 3),  and they are rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, selenium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.  Although native to Australia, these nuts are now grown in several other countries, with the largest producers being Australia and Hawaii.

Because most species of Macadamia are toxic, only two species  (Macadamia Integnfolia and  Macadamia Tetraphylla), can be eaten or used in aromatherapy.  Most Macadamia trees are propagated by grafting,  due to rapid hybridizing in the wild.  Although this evergreen tree will bear nuts for 100 years, it must mature for seven years before it’s nuts will be  ready for harvest.

Macadamia Nut oil is great as a skin conditioner, protectant, and emollient.  It tones and regenerates mature and dry skin and helps retain your skin’s moisture.  This aromatherapy carrier oil closely resembles our skin’s sebum and has a high absorption rate.  Macadamia Nut  oil can also be used to diminish scars, and heal sunburns, minor wounds and irritations.  If stored properly, (in a cool dry place, away from heat and direct sunlight), it will keep for a period of three years.  I’m sure you’ll want to add this Australian oil to your repertoire.

Let us know about your Macadamia Nut experiences!

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