Because Almond trees are easily propagated from seed, they have been planted and used for thousands of years in the Middle East, their place of origin. From the Middle East, the seeds were carried to India, Northern Africa, and imported, to California. Today, most almond oil comes from Spain, Syria and the USA.
Almond carrier oil, used in massage and aromatherapy has a slightly sweet, nutty aroma. Although it absorbs fairly quickly into the skin, almond oil’s texture is slightly oily, and it leaves a slightly oily feeling after absorption. It’s color is clear with a tinge of yellow, and it is a good all purpose oil, and moderately priced. Almond oil is thought to be non-sensitizing and non-irritating. It is composed of 78% mono-unsaturated oleic acid (omega 9), and 17% linoleic essential fatty acids (omega 6). Almond oil is also high in Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, D and E, and contains Magnesium and Calcium, as well.
Almond carrier oil is known for it’s emollient properties, that will leave the skin smooth and soft. It’s great moisturizing abilities help remove fine lines and wrinkles, and it has also been used to help soften cuticles, and improve hair luster. A few drops to the scalp can also help your hair grow in strong, thick and smooth.
For use in aromatherapy, you should always use oil that has been cold pressed. Cold pressing is done by placing the almond seeds in a horizontal press, with a rotating screw, known as an expeller. The oil is squeezed from the kernel and filtered. Due to friction, the oil is heated to 70 degrees Celcius. Less suitable oils for aromatherapy are Solvent Extracted, or extracted with heat. In Hot Extraction, tremendous pressure is applied, taking the temperature up to 200 degrees Celcius. At this temperature, all the important vitamins and fatty acids are destroyed. The left over “cake” is then solvent extracted, re-heated, refined, deodorized, and bleached. Artificial color, preservatives and vitamins are then added.
Tell us about your experiences with Sweet Almond Oil!